This page is a faction of the server The Rise of Morgoth.
This page is based off of the Official LOTRmod Server Wiki High Elven Page.
We only want recruits who are active and have common sense.
This faction may be heavy in roleplay at times such as when we discuss politics.
Current News[]
- Isengard has and probably always will be recruiting.
- The Pits of Isengard are under heavy construction!
- On April 16th of 2016, Wulf decided to make Dunland independent from the Realm of Isengard but we shall remain close allies.
- We are working on developing a skype chat for the entire Realm of Isengard and possibly members of Dunland.
- The Realm of Isengard and Dunland shall remain close allies once the preparations for Dunland's independence are complete.
- The Ranks of Isengard are being redesigned.
- Isengard's leader is gone, temporarily or possibly permanently.
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Lore behind Isengard[]
This brief history of Isengard is mostly from Tolkien Gateway.
Isengard, also known as Angrenost ("Iron Fortress"), is located in a valley near the southern tip of the Misty Mountains. It was established during the Second Age by the Dúnedain, the Exiles of Númenor as a fort near the southern tip of Gondor. Within Orthanc, one of seeing stones also known as the palantíri was placed. Orthanc was basically abandoned by the Third Age due to the devastation the Great Plague wreaked. Orthanc's keys were sent to the White City, Minas Tirith, because of this. Further into the Third Age, the Gondorian line of chieftains, the keepers of Isengard, had failed due to their increasing friendliness with the Dunlendings, leading to the Dunlending occupation of Isengard. The Dunlendings became openly hostile to the Rohirrim and in T.A. 2758 Wulf, a Dunland leader, led an invasion into Rohan. The Dunlendings accomplished great victories but were eventually defeated and driven out of Isengard by King Fréaláf of Rohan. Saruman returned from his travels into the east and offered to make Isengard his home and was welcomed by both Steward Beren of Gondor and King Fréaláf alike. In T.A. 2851, the White Council met, debating on whether to attack the fortress of Dol Guldur. Saruman did not wish to attack Dol Guldur as he was searching for the One Ring in the area. However, Saruman's unwillingness was overruled by Gandalf. It became clear that Saruman desired the One Ring and Saruman began to aid Rohan's enemies and was completely corrupted by Sauron's influence in T.A. 3000. In T.A. 3018, Gandalf entered Isengard. Saruman then revealed that he was under the service of Sauron and attempted to convince Gandalf to join him, to which Gandalf refused. Gandalf was imprisoned upon Orthanc for his decision and observed the transformation of Isengard into a machine of war, but was eventually saved by the great eagle Gwaihir. In T.A. 3019, Saruman's war upon Rohan began. Saruman managed to kill Théodred at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen, as was his goal. With the victory at the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, Saruman gained passage into the lands of Rohan. Saruman's defeat at the Battle of the Hornburg combined with his defeat at the Battle of Isengard led to the fall of his domain. Treebeard, the new ruler of Isengard, then allowed Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue to depart from the remains of the fortress. Fourth Age is insignificant in Isengard's history as the only events that occurred were that Treebeard was allowed to remain in control of Isengard by King Elessar and that Isengard was converted into a garden of orchards and trees.
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Server History[]
The history of the faction on the server is only to be provided by veteran members of the Realm.
The Age of Weakness[]
Isengard has had many rulers but none other than Voxel_Knight have managed to organize the Realm into a the power that it now is. Isengard's history began with a man by the name of Fangorn_Ent becoming the ruler and king of Isengard, but stepped down to venture greater paths. Seancornell stepped up to become the next ruler of Isengard but stepped down as well and soon after a corrupted leader took up the throne of Isengard known as SirFrithIV. This man committed many atrocities in Middle Earth (broke many server rules) and was eventually struck down (banned) by Melkor, leaving Isengard without a ruler once more. A new leader has stood up within the rankings of Isengard, Sauron_ThePlayer. He has begun to put Isengard back into its place, Isengard has begun to rise in power because of his rule.
The Age of Ascension[]
A new and ambitious man arrived in Middle Earth by the name of Voxel_Knight in early February of 2016. Voxel_Knight wished to forge the desolate Isengard faction into an industrial power. He began by setting up a small camp within the ruined Ring of Isengard (the mod-added wall) with the help of his trusty companion (and brother) TheXenophobia. Voxel_Knight and TheXenophobia began to gather their strength and Voxel_Knight was eventually accepted worldwide as the Saruman the Colorful Wizard, the First Wizard of Orthanc. Saruman and TheXenophobia discovered the existance of the War of Orcs and Dwarves that had been raging for quite some time. TheXenophobia did not provide aid to the orcs of this war as he was busy with his own tasks at the time, but Saruman was willing to risk what he had and help the orcs win the war. Saruman aided Azog the Defiler of Mount Gundabad on 3 seperate occasions against the Dwarves of the Iron Hills but were defeated 2 out of those 3 times. The victory of the third battle was one the first major victories of the war (refer to the Durin's Folk page for more information on this battle and war). The war then began to die down but no peace treaty was ever signed and no clear victor of the war was ever stated. As this war began to die down, Wulf decided to venture to Dunland and build up his strength and was eventually accepted as the War Lord of Dunland. Saruman lost much of his wealth and strength at the end of the War of Orcs and Dwarves, but this did not extinguish his spirit to reforge the Realm of Isengard. He knew if he was to reforge the Realm that he would need a fortress to run it out of. Work began on the Pits of Isengard and the Tower of Orthanc with the help of Wulf of Dunland. The old and ruined Ring of Isengard was destroyed and rebuilt smaller yet more magnificent than before and Orthanc was rebuilt. The Pits of Isengard are still under construction to this day and Saruman wishes for Isengard to become the jewel of all evil factions. On April 16th of 2016, Wulf decided to separate from the Realm and form the independent nation of Dunland, changing his username to King_Wulf.
The Age of Industry[]
With Voxel_Knight's and King_Wulf's rise, both began to industrialize their nations. King_Wulf built a village in South Dunland, his capital, known as Galtrev and Saruman began to organize his economy.
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Rulers of the Realm[]
- The First Wizard of Orthanc, Sauron_ThePlayer
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Government of the Realm[]
The First Wizard of Orthanc, Sauron_ThePlayer, is the current ruler of the Realm. Lords/Ladies rule cities in the Wizard of Orthanc's name. Lords/ladies are required to provide the Wizard of Orthanc with military support and are tasked with running their cities in an organized and orderly manner. These lords/ladies are in charge of their own military but must use the military ranks (with the exception of a few minor custom ranks if approved by the Wizard of Orthanc) defined by the Realm of Isengard. The only person that these lords/ladies answer to is the Wizard of Orthanc.
Uruk Council[]
The Wizard of Orthanc has established a council that will consist of the most prestigious lords/ladies of the Realm. This Council shall total up to 6 players (including the Wizard of Orthanc) when fully established. This Council shall hold a meeting once a week at Orthanc and it shall discuss the needs of Isengard.
- The First Wizard of Orthanc, Sauron_ThePlayer
Order of Shadows[]
The Order of Shadows is a council of Dark leaders that meet weekly at Angband to discuss current situations that all evil leaders face. The Order of Shadows consists of these members:
- The First Lord of Angband, 9koopa
- The Lieutenant of Angband, LonelyDork
- The First War Lord of Dunland, King Wulf
- The First Wizard of Orthanc, Sauron_ThePlayer
- The Second Chieftain of Gundabad, Azog2015
- The Lieutenant of Gundabad, Blockis23
- The First King of the Easterlings, 1112home
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Recruitment Process of the Realm of Isengard[]
So you wish to join the Realm of Isengard? Brilliant! The Realm always requires valuable players to fuel the industrial machine.
A member of Isengard is expected to uphold the laws of the Realm, respect the role-playing of the server, have some knowledge of Tolkien lore, and fulfill the purpose of their ranks.

A Standard Citizenship ID of the Realm of Isengard.
The process to become a member is stated here:
- One must choose the "Isengard Snaga" title in the spawn title room. (You may change this as you rank up)
- One must gain 50 alignment with the Isengard faction.
- One must have been to Nan Curunir, the Uruk Highlands, Dunland, and the Misty Mountains.
- One must have read the essential sections of this wiki (Laws, government, ranks, and general nationality. Reading the rest of the wiki page is encouraged.)
- One must be approved to join the faction by a Lord/Lady of the Realm or the Wizard of Orthanc.
Post Recruitment[]
Once you have achieved these 5 things, you shall be granted a citizenship ID by either a Lord/Lady or the Wizard of Orthanc. The ID will state your IGN, your role-play name, and the lore behind your character (optional). You may also choose a city or fortress to be assigned to and upon joining the faction, you shall be given nothing. You must earn your place amongst us
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Ranks of the Realm[]
All the ranks of the Realm are military ranks.
Click here to see the Official Rank Tree of the Realm of Isengard.
Rank Requirements[]
Players are to progress through ranks by obtaining the corresponding requirements (you must earn the rank before you'll be given it). There are rarely exceptions. Players may choose to remain at their current rank and not advance at their request. Players only have to gain Isengard alignment to be recruited into the Realm, but must gain Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment to progress through ranks.
Recruit to Low Rank
- Once a person is recruited into the Realm, they are assigned to the rank of Snaga of Isengard.
Low Rank to Low Middle Rank
- One must obtain 100 Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by a high rank (Sergeant, Lieutenant, etc.) to advance.
Low Middle Rank to Middle Rank
- One must obtain 200 Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by a High Middle Rank or higher (Sergeant, Lieutenant, etc.) to advance.
Middle Rank to High Middle Rank
- One must obtain 300 Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by a Low High Rank or higher (Lieutenant, Colonel, etc.) to advance.
- Members wishing to advance to any of these ranks must show leadership qualities.
High Middle Rank to Low High Rank
- One must obtain 500 Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by a Middle High rank or higher (Colonel, General, etc.) to advance.
- Members wishing to advance to this rank must show leadership qualities.
Low High Rank to Middle High Rank
- One must obtain 700 Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by a High rank or higher (General, Lord/Lady, etc.) to advance.
- Members wishing to advance to this rank must show leadership qualities.
Middle High Rank to High Rank
- One must obtain 900 Isengard, Mordor, and Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by their Lord/Lady or higher to advance to a higher rank.
- Members wishing to advance to this rank must show leadership qualities.
High Rank to Ultra High Rank
- One must obtain 1500 Isengard, 1000 Mordor, and 1000 Gundabad alignment.
- One must have been approved by the Wizard of Orthanc to advance to the Ultra High Rank (Lord/Lady).
- One must have built a city that meets the city requirements.
- Members wishing to advance to this rank must show leadership qualities.
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List of Ranks and their Perks/Functions[]
- Low Rank of Snaga of Isengard: Snaga are placed under the command of a Lieutenant of the Legion. Snaga, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Mordor Armor and may wield any national weapon of the Realm. Snaga may hire Isengard units. Low Ranks are not allowed to use mithril equipment in war.
- Low Middle Rank of Warg Rider of Isengard: Warg Riders are snaga who ride wargs into battle. Warg Riders are placed under the command of a Beasts Master. Warg Riders, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Mordor Armor and may wield any national weapon of the Realm. Warg Riders may hire warg riders and banner bearers of the Isengard and Gundabad factions. Warg Riders are the main cavalry force of the Realm.
- Low Middle Rank of Uruk-hai Warrior: Uruk-hai Warriors are placed under the command of a Lieutenant of the Legion. Uruk-hai Warriors, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor must be worn, they wear Uruk-hai Armor and may wield any national weapon of the Realm. Uruk-hai Warriors may hire Isengard units and Gundabad units.
- Middle Rank of Warg Rider of the White Hand: Warg Riders of the White Hand are the elite cavalry of the Realm of Isengard. Warg Riders of the White Hand are placed under the command of a Beasts Master. Warg Riders of the White Hand, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they may wear either Uruk-hai or Mordor armor and may wield any national weapon of the Realm. Warg Riders of the White Hand may hire warg riders and banner bearers of the Isengard and Gundabad factions.
- Middle Rank of Uruk-hai Tracker: Uruk-hai Trackers, the elite scouts of the Realm of Isengard. Uruk-hai Trackers are placed under the command of a Tracker Sergeant. Uruk-hai Trackers, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Uruk-hai armor and may wield any national weapon of the Realm. Uruk-hai Trackers may hire units of the Gundabad and Isengard factions.
- Middle Rank of Uruk-hai Berserker: The most powerful Uruk-hai to ever come out of the Pits of Isengard, they are the elite melee troops of the Realm of Isengard. Uruk-hai Berserkers are placed under the command of a Berserker Sergeant. Uruk-hai Berserkers, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Uruk-hai Armor with a Berserker Helm and may wield any national weapon (preferably a Berserker Scimitar). Uruk-hai Berserkers may hire Uruk-hai berserkers and banner bearers of the Isengard faction.
- High Middle Rank of Beasts Master: Beasts Masters are in charge of players of the Warg Rider and Warg Rider of the White Hand ranks. Beasts Masters lead the cavalry of the Realm. Beasts Masters may only be in charge of 3 players. Beasts Masters are placed under the command of a Colonel of the Legion. Beast Masters, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Uruk-hai or Mordor armor and may wield any national weapon. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Beasts Masters may hire warg riders and banner bearers of the Isengard and Gundabad factions.
- High Middle Rank of Tracker Sergeant: Tracker Sergeants are in charge of players of the Uruk-hai Tracker rank. Tracker Sergeants may only be in charge of 3 players. Tracker Sergeants are placed under the command of a Colonel of the Legion. Tracker Sergeants, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Uruk-hai armor and may wield any melee national weapon, but must use the Gundabad Uruk bow. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Tracker Sergeants may hire units of the Gundabad and Isengard factions.
- High Middle Rank of Berserker Sergeant: Berserker Sergeants are in charge of players of the Uruk-hai Berserker rank. Berserker Sergeants may only be in charge of 3 players. Berserker Sergeants are placed under the command of a Colonel of the Legion. Berserker Sergeants, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Uruk-hai armor with a Berserker Helm and may wield any national weapon. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Berserker Sergeants may hire Uruk-hai berserkers and banner bearers of the Isengard faction.
- Low High Rank of Lieutenant of the Legion: Lieutenants of the Legion are in charge of players of the Snaga and Uruk-hai Warrior ranks. Lieutenants of the Legion may only be in charge of 3 players. Lieutenants of the Legion are placed under the command of a Colonel of the Legion. Lieutenants of the Legion, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they wear Uruk-hai or Mordor armor and may wield any national weapon. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Lieutenants of the Legion may hire units of the Gundabad and Isengard factions.
- Middle High Rank of Colonel of the Legion: Colonels of the Legion are in charge of players of the Lieutenant of the Legion, Berserker Sergeant, Tracker Sergeant, and Beasts Master ranks. Colonels of the Legions may only be in charge of 2 players. Colonels of the Legion are placed under the command of a General of the Legion. Colonels of the Legion, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they may wear Uruk-hai or Mordor armor and may wield any national weapon. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Colonels of the Legion may hire units of the Gundabad and Isengard factions. Colonels of the Legion may be given control of a fortress (they may build a fortress if they wish) that they shall be charged with protecting as well as the area around it. They shall also be charged with maintaining and improving it.
- High Rank of General of the Legion: Generals of the Legion are in charge of players of the Colonel of the Legion rank. Generals of the Legion may be in charge of up to 2 players. Generals of the Legion are placed under the command of a Lord/Lady of the Realm. Generals of the Legion, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they may wear Uruk-hai or Mordor armor and may wield any national weapon. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Generals of the Legion may hire units of the Gundabad and Isengard factions. Generals of the Legion may be given control of a fortress (they may build a fortress if they wish) that they shall be charged with protecting as well as the area around it. They shall also be charged with maintaining it and improving upon it if they wish.
- Ultra High Rank of Lord/Lady of the Realm: Lords/Ladies are in charge of their own military and city. Lords/Ladies often provide details to their Generals and the Generals pass the information down the chain of command. Lords/Ladies are placed under the command of the Wizard of Orthanc. Lords/Ladies, when fighting in battles or sieges and the terms of war are that only faction armor and weapons must be used, they may wear Uruk-hai or Mordor armor and may wield any national weapon. Players of this rank may be given an item to signify their rank. Lords/Ladies may hire units of the Gundabad and Isengard factions. Lords/Ladies are required to have a city. They are tasked with running their cities in an organized and orderly manner and are charged with maintaining it.
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General Nationality of the Realm[]
The general nationality of the Realm describes what units, armor, and weapons we use in battle as well as provides general information about the Realm.
National Colors[]
The national colors of Isengard are dark gray and white.
National Flag[]
The national flag of the Realm:

National War Cry[]
The War Cry of the Realm of Isengard: Ambor mabas lufut! (Liquor after war!)
National Currency[]
The national currency of the Realm is the mod's coins, but bartering is common among the Realm as well.
National Language[]
The national language of the Realm of Isengard is Black Speech, but Mannish tongues (English) are more popular among the Realm.
Leader's Name in Black Speech[]
The Uruk-hai of Isengard referred to Saruman, the Wizard of Orthanc, as Sharku. Sharku is most likely derived from the orcish origin of sharkû, meaning "old man."
National Armor[]
The national armor sets of the Realm are the Uruk-hai armor set and the Mordor armor set.
National Weapons[]
The national melee weapons of the Realm include all Uruk-hai and Mordor weapons excluding Black Uruk weapons. The national ranged weapons of the Realm include Uruk-hai crossbows, Gundabad Uruk bows, and orc bows.
National Build Style[]
Uruk-hai live in mines and pits made of Uruk brick, dirt, stone, and cobblestone that are often littered with skulls. The main hall is usually an irregular cavern that contains evil crafting tables and a community news board. There are many forges within these types of builds. Orc torches and lava provide the main lighting of these types of builds. Standard bedrooms (rooms for players) often consist of an orc bed and an armor stand. Bedrooms may be configured as the player pleases. An example of this building style would be the Pits of Isengard.
National Hired Units[]
The national hired units of the Realm include all Uruk-hai units as well as all non-Uruk units of the Gundabad faction.
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Members of the Realm[]
Active Members[]
- Sauron_ThePlayer, The First Wizard of Orthanc
- sms_6142005,
- EyeDubzIsBack,
Inactive Members[]
Banished Members[]
Builds of the Realm[]
There are two types of builds within the Realm of Isengard:
- Player Builds: The first are player builds which are owned by a single individual player and often are secret hideouts and small bases to store items.
- Kingdom Builds: The second are kingdom builds that are owned by the Realm of Isengard and are under the authority of the king. Lords, generals, or captains often run these builds in an organized and orderly manner in the name of the Wizard of Orthanc. "Why would you make a kingdom build," is what some would ask. Well, kingdom builds allow for cooperation among the Realm. Kingdom builds also help provide a refuge for new recruits of the faction or other evil players and allow for greater defense of the Realm and its inhabitants. Kingdom builds also provide a place for players to trade and for new recruits to gain a foothold and possibly even gain some power within the Realm!
Requirements for all Kingdom Builds of the Realm[]
- A build must be approved by the Wizard of Orthanc or two Lords of the faction to become a kingdom build. These two lords must then inform the Wizard of Orthanc that the build has been approved to become a kingdom build.
Kingdom Builds of the Realm[]
These are the builds that have been confirmed as kingdom builds and meet all the requirements to become a kingdom build.
- Isengard: The capital of the Realm.
Diplomatic State of the Realm[]
Laws of the Realm[]
The Laws of the Realm, if broken, will result in punishment by the Realm or by a server admin, depending on the law.
- All server rules are to be abided by.
- Members of Realm are not to kill other members, unless approved by the Wizard of Orthanc.
- Members, please be mature in your actions and words. Have common sense.
- Members of the Realm may only hire national units.
- Members of the Realm are to have positive or neutral alignment with all evil factions.
- If a player wishes to join the Realm, you are to inform your Lord/Lady or the Wizard of Orthanc that they wish to join.
- Members of the Realm must abide by the restrictions and the advantages of their rank.
- Players are not to steal from one another. This includes no stealing from players of other factions as well. We may be an evil nation, but we're honorable.
- The members of the Realm are to remain respectful at all times.
- Player builds are not to built within 150 blocks of a kingdom build of the Realm unless given permission by their Lord/Lady/the Wizard of Orthanc.
- Members of the Realm are not allowed to build in enemy territory, unless authorized by the Wizard of Orthanc or an admin within the server. Small outposts or camps are the only exception to this rule and these must have a charter given by their Lord/Lady and the Wizard of Orthanc.
- Players of the Realm must abide by the terms of all diplomatic and economic agreements.
- Members of the Realm must abide by the ranking system and they must obey their superiors.
- Standing armies of hired units are allowed with the limit of 65 units. You may have 30 units with you at all times, and may get more for battles or sieges. Disband all hired units after a battle or siege.
The Realm's Territory[]
Fangorn Wasteland is not claimed by the Realm because it is too close to Fangorn forest. The Realm's Territory:

Allies of the Realm[]
Ongoing Wars[]
Events of the Realm[]
Economic State of the Realm[]
Trading Partners
- Morgul Iron from Angmar
- Obsidian Colored Wargs from Angband
- Olive Bread from Dorwinion
- Uruk Steel to Angmar
- Orc Steel to Angmar
- 10 Charcoal per Warg to Angband
- 2 Charcoal per Olive Bread to Dorwinion
Goals of the Realm[]
- To become the most industrialized evil nation on the server.
- To be one of the most organized nations on the server.
- To gain control of most if not all of Enedwaith.
- To unite all evil nations under one cause.
- To be admired yet feared among the entire server.