The Kingdom of Gondor is the mightiest kingdom of Men. On this server, this faction has a great history before the reset, and as of now is under lordship of DroolingLava
Minas Tirith[]
This will be the capital of Gondor once we get to build it.
Amon Dìn[]
Amon Dìn is a small farmer town that rests upon a hill. The thing Amon Dìn was known for was it's beacon, so if that wasn't build it would have been a shame.
Osigiliath will be separated into 2 halfs East and West Osgiliath, one on the land of Ithilien, the other on Gondor.
Houses for Rent[]
None yet
Tol Falas[]
Tolfalas is a small town on the island of Tol Falas. Still not built, but is planned to be.
Henneth Annûn[]
This is the hideout of the Rangers Of Ithilien, where Faramir takes Sam and Frodo.
Factions of Gondor's Members[]
Gondor: None
Ithilien: DrPotatow aka Faramir Captain of Ithilien Future King
Dol Amroth: NittyNitwit aka Imrahil Prince Of Dol Amroth
Blackroot: None
Lebennin: None
Lossarnach: None
Pinnath Gelin: None
Lamedon: None
Anòrien: None
Pelargir: None
Tol Falas: None
Citizen of Gondor[]
You need at least +50 alignment with Gondor to join the nation. You get a house in the Capital and a job. If you do great work, you may be rewarded.
To be Soldier you need 100+ alignment and Gondorian gear. As a Soldier, you are to serve the King and fight for (and with) him in possible wars. Soldiers are prohibited from owning an army.
Citadel Guard[]
To be a Citadel Guard you need +250 Gondor Alignment. You also need a full Gondor Armor with a Winged Helmet.
A Captain needs 300+ Gondor alignment, 200+ Rohan alignment, and 200+ Ranger alignment. Captains are the 4th rank in the Gondorian Council, and you must have at least 10 units.
A Major needs 500+ Gondor alignment, 400+ Rohan alignment and 400+ Ranger alignment. Majors are the 3rd rank in the Gondorian Council. Captains must own at least 25 units. Majors must still serve the King of Gondor.
A General needs 800+ gondor alignment, 600+ Rohan alignment and 500+ Ranger alignment. Generals are the 2nd rank in the Gondorian Council. Generals are permitted to own a base and use his army.
- Generals (1)
- Majors (10): One for each of the fiefdoms, including Anòrien.
- Captains (11): One for each region of Gondor, including Pelennor Fields.
- Unknown amount of Citadel Guards
- Unknown amount of Soldiers
- Unknown amount of Citizens
- In order to rank, one must gain the permission of the King of Gondor.
- After your service to the King, you are free. You are permitted to mine and produce your own food (Only with the permission of the King).
- If you are not a Captain (or of any higher rank), do not sneak into the Council.
- Follow every command given by the King.
- Do not light the beacons for your amusement. If you do, you will have to climb up every obelisk to renew them.
- Tower guard helmet is only for high ranked people (Majors, Generals, Captains, Citadel Guards and Stewards/keepers of my cities)
The 1 Rule to Rule Them All[]
Betrayal will be answered with vengeance!
Need of People[]
Gondor is a great place to fight for against the dark forces of Mordor. That's why many people are needed to help. The requirements are:
- Be active
- Follow the rules of the server, or you will be banned.
- Have enough alignment.
- Only purchase the used Units.
In order to join Gondor, one has to wait for the King's approval. As stated before, one must obtain a minimum of 50 alignment. Once joined, you will be greeted with ceremonies and welcome.
(See Diplomacy)
None yet
None yet
All factions
Future Plans[]
Build most of the lore places, such as Minas Tirith or Osgiliath, old King Eldarion has assembled a team of builder in order to help in making this huge places.
Service in war!!![]
The Great War of the Sea (Dorwinion+ Gondor against Umbar):[]
- battle in Umbar (won, but haven't captured Umbar city. actually, no one won)
- battle in Minas Tirith pt. 1( no one knows how that battle ended)
- battle in Minas Tirith pt.2 ( Costly Victory for gondor and Dorwinion. even when people killed us while they weren't in the siege.
- 5/07/16: Peace threaty was signed by LordDave and Eldarion
- 6/7/16: War for the peace, Sadly, Umbar and the reunited Kingdom has lost this war. There was some kind of Witchery that withered 200 troops away in a few seconds
The White mountain war (everyone vs. Umbar, Vallar and Arnor)[]
- 7/7/16: Broke the unfair peace treaty: Siege on Umbar, Captured Umbar city. Umbar surrenders
- 7/7/16: siege on Minas Tirith again. It was a close fight with lots of Olog-hai. Ended with Calling siege off. Minas Tirith stood another siege.
The Cold war (Mordor, Angmar, Angband and Gundabad vs. the rest)[]
- As the title sais, there hasn't actually been fought because ex-king Eldarion was increasing the defends of his capital. This war has been postponed till the server reset, but due to a problem during the reset, there is no place left to siege. After the reset, ex-King Eldarion decided to pass the throne to his heir.