Main Information[]
Dale lies Northwest of Dorwinion and East of Mirkwood. It's enemies include Gundabad, Dol Guldur, and Easterlings. The capital city is Dale, and lies north of the waypoint. Like most factions, Dale is looking for players!
Peasant: Needs to have 0-25 Dale alignment. You do not need this title to rank up in others.
Farmer: Needs 25-50 Dale alignment, a leather hat and some food source(/kit food doesn't count).
Soldier: You need a full set of Dalish armour or leather dyed grey, blue or yellow. You also need 75 or more Dalish alignment.
Raiding party captain: You need a full set of Dalish armor, have been to Dol Guldur, and have 150 Dalish alignment
Captain:(Note this is higher than Raiding party captain!) You need a full set of Dalish armor with a winged Gondorian helmet, 225 Dalish alignment and have proven your trust to the king by achieving the rank of Raiding party captain. You also need 5 Dalish soldiers under command.
Major: you need 300 Dalish alignment, a full set of Dalish armour, a base in or near Dale, and 10 highered Dalish men. You need to have gotten the rank before this.
General: You need 500 Dalish alignment, You need a full set of Dalish armor with a winged Gondorian helmet, 25 hired Dalish men, Have a base inside Dale(different from the last rank), and fully have the trust of the king.
NOTE: The king has the right to deny you any of these roles.
Generals: 2- 0 so far.
Majors: 2-0 so far.
Captains: 5-0 so far.
Raiding party captains: 10-0 so far.
Soldiers: infinite-0 so far.
Farmers: infinite-0 so far.
Peasants: infinite-1 so far.
Butcher: Paid from whomever buys from him.
Guard: Paid 30 for defending Dale from invaders.
Builder: 50 per each house/fort built.
Battle cry[]
Our battle cry is "For the North!"
History In War[]
- No war has come to our fair kingdom yet!