Rise of Morgoth Server Wikia

Capital of Gundabad (Mt Gundabad)[]

Gandalf"Your grandfather Thror was killed, you remember, in the Mines of Moria by Azog the Goblin."
Thorin"Curse his name, yes."*: —The Hobbit, "An Unexpected Party"

"Moria has been taken by legions of Orcs led by the most vile of their race... Azog the Defiler. The giant Gundabad orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began... by beheading the king"

--- Balin, in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

History Of Gundabad[]

  • At the beginning of the server a Man named Gamerelite9 settled in Tharbad who lead a tribe of orcs who killed off many rangers
  • Then during that time the orcs found the ruler of the orcs of Tharbad but Gamerelite9 changed the name to the Gundabad Orcs and was named Azog The Pale Orc.
  • They migrated to the Misty Mountains and worked on their new Home Mt Gundabad.
  • Azog helped out other evil players and also made a enemy Dain ll (DrPotatow)
  • After Server restarted Azog has returned and rebuilt Mt Gundabad.
  • Azog began gathering hordes and built other places around the Misty mountains
  • Bolg later came and Built Mt Gram and would rule it
  • Azog then declared war on Dain and a bloody war began
  • After the war ended Gundabad began to grow powerful
  • More Gundabad cities grew and more people joined gundabad
  • But then again after all that happened sadly Azog went away once again when his computer broke down
  • Gundabad was then made into Clans, the idea came from Durin's bane (Sniperpro22) and Azog (Gamerelite9) accepted to do it.

But he returned today and has begun to build more cities and hordes and Bolg with his army captured Nogrod soon leading to a new dwarf and orc war.

Ashdurbuk Dynasty blood line in the North

Mukarg father of Skorg and ancestory of everyone here and starter of this dynasty. (not leader of the Gundabad orcs) Time period FA 500-SA 10

Skorg the legendary orc ancestor of Urzog and Azog and the father of Brok of Gundabad. (not leader of Gundabad orcs) Time period 1650-1930 SA

Brak the son of Skorg the legendary. Orc Time period Ruled after his father unknown date of being born or death

Balcog Decedent of Skorg and Brak (not leader of the Gundabad Orcs) Time Period Ruled After 1267 TA

Zalg father of Bralg Grand father of Urzog and Great great grandfather of Azog I (not ruler of the Gundabad orcs) Time period Ruled about 1650 TA

Bralg The Insane Father of Urzog and Grandfather of Azog I (not Ruler of the Gundabad Orcs) Time period Ruled after 1650 TA

Urzog the father of Azog I (not leader of Gundabad orcs) Time period 1900-2050 TA

Gorkil one of the Ashurbuk's in the blood line of Azog but not related to any of his family members (not ruler of Gunabad orcs) Time period 1300-1975 TA

Azog I Son of Urzog and decedent of Skorg and Brok of Gundabad and Father of Bolg I (ruler of the Gundabad orcs) Time period 1900-2799 TA

Bolg I Son of Azog I father of Azog II and Bolg II Time period ruled from 2799-2941

Azog II Son of Bolg I brother of Bolg II and father of Marzog (space) Bolg II brother to Azog II and son of Bolg I Time Period Azog II and Bolg II lived until 2941 TA

Marzog Son of Azog II Time period lived until 3019 TA

Gundabad Blackshields a elite warrior group in Gundabad

Gundabad Blackshields were fearsome Goblin warriors, veterans of the many wars fought against the Dwarvesand Elves.

Only the strongest and bravest Goblins were accepted into the brutal ranks of the Blackshields - a quality that was measured primarily by the ability to fight unhindered in the heavy war-gear and the possession of a White Warg pelt.

With such mighty shields, the Blackshields were like little walking walls. The shields themselves were crooked and twisted, clearly manufactured in some sinister way. Though barefoot, Blackshields wore plenty of heavy armor - from chain-mail to the helmets that covered all but their eyes. They each carried either spiked spears or short swords.

Since the protection thing is not showing this is where it will be placed

The faction's we have giving protection to are the Lossoth


  • The First Orc and dwarf war ended with the battle of Moria with a dwarven Victory.
  • The Second Orc and dwarf ended with the battle of Mt Gundabad dwarven Victory.
  • The Third orc and dwarf war has started with 5 battles so far with the victory at Moria,arnor's capital and second battle of mt gundabad give us a huge momentum with the 2 victories in a row at arnor's capital and the second battle of mt gundabad.



Basic Ranks

Snaga 20 Gundabad you are bossed around by anyone in this rank list and you must build what you are tasked to do

Goblin 50 gundabad you are tasked to be doing the basic jobs around the nation such as building,mining,scavenging,hunting, etc

Goblin warrior 75 gundabad ready to get some action under command of any high ranking officer and still must do what a goblin does

Main Ranks/moderate ranks

Gundabad orc 100 gundabad and your task is to do what goblins do but get treated better then goblins

Gundabad uruk 150 gundabad same thing what a goblin warrior does

Gundabad warg rider 200 gundabad you are under command of yazneg, fimbul,or narzug to ride with them to battle and are given a warg to ride into battle

Hunter orc 250 gundabad you are the elites of the gundabad warg forces and under command of Azog to do what he says or you will be thrown to the wargs

High Ranks

Goblin chieftain 350 gundabad tasked to be leading the goblins into battle and also serving moria under command of Durin's bane,the goblin kings, and the great goblin,and Azog

Orc captain 450 Gundabad tasked to be leading most orcs to battle under the command of orc chiefs and Azog and other powerful orc generals

Orc Chieftain 550 Gundabad tasked to be leading all kinds of orc under command of Gudnabad generals such as Azog

Orc Generals will be determined of what role you pick listed below



Goblin king

Durin's bane


2 morian goblin kings

Blue Crag chieftain

Clan leaders

Gundabad Blackshields must have fought in 5 wars with Gundabad against dwarves or elves

Optional Ranks

Mt Gundabad Guards 450 gundabad tasked to be listening to what Gazmag tells you where to guard inside mt gundabad even if you have to be near the dwarven slaves

Morian Guards 450 gundabad tasked to be listening to durin's bane and the 2 goblin kings on where to go to guard through out the massive city of Moria

Mt Gundabad Constructor 350 Gundabad tasked to expand mt gundabad when it is needed to add more slave quarters,pits,mines,and cave networks

Moria constructor 350 gundabad tasked to help work on Moria since it is not even 25% of being competed

Gundabad constructor 350 gundabad tasked to be building strongholds,outposts,mining towns,trading towns,hunting towns around the Gundabad territory

Gundabad Guards 450 gundabad tasked to be guarding every kind of stronghold you are sent to guard from your generals you are assigned to


Butcher tasked to be breeding animals inside the hunting towns and strongholds then sending the food to the other strongholds in need of food

Hunter tasked to be hunting animals and bring them to the butchers to cut them up,cook the food and send it to the other maggots or to send animals alive to the butcher to breed them

Miner tasked to be mining those shiny metals for the blacksmiths and armorers to be making weapons of war

Blacksmith tasked to be making weapons for the Gundabad armies from the metals the miners bring you

Armorer tasked to be making those good armor pieces to be protect are maggots in the field of battle

Brewer tasked to be making them nasty stuff of draughts to make our maggots become berserk and murder their enemies

Cook tasked to be cooking the food that comes from the hunting towns and hunting strongholds in the main strongholds for the maggots to be eating real food instead of maggoty bread

slaver tasked to be keeping the dwarven slaves in check to be construction things in and around mt gundabad

Warg breeder tasked to be breeding wargs for the army and our warg riders and hunter orcs to be raiding them land for riches

Farmer tasked to be working on the crops that we can grow in the hills of anduin where in our other territories we cannot

Current News[]

  • The Gundabad faction is always recruiting new members!
  • We are currently looking to rebuild all our lost strongholds and lands


  • The Faction Leader Azog (GamerElite9)
  • The Faction heir Bolg (Role Free!)
  • Chieftains who will run important strongholds with the roles below such as Durin's bane being the chieftain of Moria and etc.

Roles For Gundabad

Azog(Gamerelite9) 1000 Gundabad, 650 angmar,450 Dol guldur, 250 Mordor, visited Mt Gundabad, Dol guldur and Weathertop, full set of gundabad uruk, 50 gundabad orcs, 30 gundabad uruks, 10 trolls

Bolg req- 750 Gundabad,400 Angmar, visit mt gundabad, full set of gundabad uruk armor, have 20 gundabad orcs,10 gundabad uruks.

Durin's Bane) 800 Gundabad, 600 Mordor,450 angmar, 350 Dol guldur, visited Moria, Mt gundabad, full set of Black uruk armor,have a balrog whip,45 gundabad orcs,20 gundabad uruks

Goblin king 800 gundabad,visit Goblin town,Highpass, Full set of Gundabad uruk armor, have 35 Gundabad orcs

Great Goblin 750 Gundabad,visit Goblin town, Full set of Gundabad uruk,have 30 gundabad orcs

Golfimbul 650 Gundabad, 450 Angmar,visit Mt gram,full set of Gundabad uruk, have 45 gundabad orcs

Blue Crag Cheiftain 500 Gundabad,300 angmar, visit Mt gundabad,Full set of Gundabad uruk, have 15 gundabad orcs.

Fimbul 450 Gundabad, 350 Dol guldur, visit Mt gundabad,full set of Gundabad uruk, have a warg , 20 warg riders

Yazneg 500 gundabad, 400 dol guldur, visit Mt Gundabad,full set of gundabad uruk have a warg,20 warg riders

Narzug 475 Gundabad,375 Dol guldur, Visit Mt gundabad,full set of gundabad uruk have a warg,20 warg riders

Ragash 550 Dol guldur, 450 Gundabad, visit Dol guldur and Mt Gundabad,full set of dol guldur armor, have a warg, 20 warg riders

Durburz Goblin king of west Moria 750 Gundabad, visit Moria,full set of gundabad uruk, have 35 gundabad orcs

Gorkil Goblin king of east Moria 750 gundabad,visit Moria,full set of gundabad uruk,have a warg(since you cant ride scorpions) have 35 gundabad orcs

Tharzog 600 gundabad,500 Angmar, Visited Mt Gram, Full set of Gundabad uruk, 35 gundabad orcs 15 gundabad uruks

Gazmag Master of the guard of Mt Gundabad 650 Gundabad, 250 angband/mordor, visited Mt Gundabad, have full set of gundabad uruk armor, 25 gundabad uruks

Sons of Bolg (non canon names from the gundabad custom wiki) Azog II and Bolg II

Azog II 450 Gundabad, 500 Dol guldur, visit Mt gundabad,Visit Mt gram have full set dol guldur armor, have 15 gundabad orcs,20 dg orcs, 5 gundabad uruk

Bolg II 500 Gundabad, 550 Dol guldur,visit Dol guldur,visit Mt gundabad,Vist mt gram,have full set dol guldur armor,full set Gundabad uruk armor, 20 gundabad orcs,25 dg orcs,10 gundabad uruks

Uglag 750 gundabad, 500 mordor,350 angmar visited dain's halls,has a full set of gundabad uruk and has 25 gundabad uruks. (note) you may know him from third age total war as the ruler of the misty mts but for this he is the ruler of the grey mts.

Marzog(grandson of Azog and son of Azog II) 650 Gundabad,500 Dol guldur, have full set of gundabad uruk, and have visited Moria

Grushlug(captain of the black uruks of Moria) 600 gundabad,500 mordor, have full set of black uruk armor,and have visited Moria

Thob(troll guard of mt gundabad) 750 gundabad, 400 angmar, have visited mt gundabad, have full set of half troll armor and have 5 trolls.

Gorduf(orc cheiftain when Azog died and big rival to Uglag for ruler of the north) 650 gundabad,450 mordor,250 angmar have visited mt gundabad have full set of gundabad uruk armor and have 20 gundabad uruks

Ghardak(leader of the gundabad scouts) 675 Gundabad, 500 angmar, 450 dol guldur, 300 mordor, Full set of gundabad uruk armor, visited mt gundabad,have a warg and have 10 warg riders.

Cro(Lord of Tuwurdrog) 650 gundabad,450 angmar, have full set of gundabad uruk and have visited Tuwurdrog and have a uruk sword and have 10 uruks.

Durba(lord of vargurat) 600 gundabad,250 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk and have visited Vargurat have a uruk sword and 10 uruks.

Ukog the lame(Lord of Thollakar) 645 gundabad,345 angmar,have full set of gundabad and have visited Thollakar have a uruk sword and 10 uruks.

Shagrath(Lord of Kala Dularkurth and warlord of the ice orcs) 765 gundabad,500 angmar,full set of gundabad and have visited Kala Dularkurth have a uruk sword and 20 uruks.

Sharku not the isengard one a custom name one for gundabad(Leader of the raider orcs) 650 gundabad,450 angmar have full set gundabad uruk have visited the raider orc stronghold and have 20 uruks.

Muzash custom name(Leader of the hunter orcs) 700 gundabad,500 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited the hunter orc stronghold,and have 35 uruks.

Bolgbarz(captain of Gundabad) 645 gundabad,450 dol guldur,250 isengard, have full set of gundabad uruk, visited mt Gundabad.

Rolbog(Morian captain) 650 Gundabad, fullset of Gundabad uruk, visisted Moria and Mt Gudnabad

Brok of Gundabad(Son of the legendary Skorg) 850 Gundabad, 500 dg, 450 mordor, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have visited Mt Gundabad

Torg(Gundabad hunter) 500 gundabad,450 angmar,450 dg, have full set gudnabad uruk and have a warg

Lagdush the Wolfcloak(Hunter orc captain) 750 gundabad,500 dg,450 angmar, full set of gundabad uruk, visited Mt Gundabad and have 15 warg riders and a warg yourself

Grashukh II(ancestor of Grashnukh and a captain of Gundabad) 650 Gundabad,500 Angmar, full set of gundabad uruk and visited Mt Gundabad and DG.

Urzog(father of Azog I) 850 gundabad,800 dg, 750 angmar,700 mordor,have full set of gundabad uruk and have visited Mt Gundabad.


Skorg(the legendary Orc of Gundabad) 2000 Gundabad,1800 angmar,1600 Dg,3500 Mordor, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have visited Mt Gundabad. here is a pic of Skorg

Mukarg(father of Skorg the lgendary orc of Gundabad and starter of the dynasty) 4000 Gundabad,3800 Angmar,3600 Dol guldur, 6500 Mordor, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have visited Mt Gundabad and Angband. Here is a pic of Mukarg

Nazgrit (Gundabad Tracker) 600 Gundabad, 550 Angmar,500 Dol guldur, have full set gundabad uruk

Sadaauk (Guard of Azog) 750 Gundabad,700 Angmar have full set gundabad uruk, and always follow Azog

Dalug-Hai (Hunter orc in Bolg's pack) 650 Gundabad,600 Angmar,550 Dolguldur,have full set of Gundabad uruk

Ufthak(jailor in dol guldur and Mt Gundabad) 800 Gundabad,800 Dol guldur, have visited mt gundabad and dol guldur

Brikraksh(Bolg's hunter orc Lieutenant) 800 Gundabad,750 dol guldur,have full set of gundabad uruk

Raakhuga (Skilled Gundabad orc Archer) 450 Gundabad,have a gundabad bow,have full set of Gundabad uruk

Rûk(Powerful Gundabad orc hunter) 750 Gundabad, 700 Dol guldur, have full set of gundabad uruk

Slig-ûrz(Gundabad hunter) 650 Gundabad,600 Dol guldur, have full set of gundabad uruk

Tark-Skum(Strongest Gundabad Berserker) 850 Gundabad,have a gundabad battleaxe, have full set of gundabad uruk

Tolg(Deadly gundabad Hunter) 700 Gundabad,650 Dol guldur, have full set of Gundabad uruk,have a gundabad uruk bow

Golmbul(Father of Fimbul and a commander of Azog's forces at Raven Hill) 800 gundabad,500 dol guldur,450 angmar,have full set Gundabad, have been to erebor and Mt Gundabad, and have 40 gundabad units and 15 dol guldur units.

Maugor(Greater Gundabad orc supporting Azog killing the durin line) 750 Gundabad 600 Angmar 550 Dol guldur,full set of Gundabad, there must be a azog alive in the gundabad faction,have visited Mt Gundabad.

Radbag(Gundabad orc hunter lead by bolg to kill Thorin Oakenshield) 650 Gundabad,500 Dol guldur,450 Angmar, have full set Gundabad uruk,Have gundabad bow,Gundabad warg

Gloob-Ra(Goblin fighter) 550 Gundabad and have visited Moria

Ufurz(Orc fighter) 600 Gundabad and have full set of Gundabad uruk and visited Moria and Mt Gundabad

Morluk(Morian Orc) 600 Gundabad,250 Mordor,and have visited Moria

Rog-Lug(Morian Orc) 650 gundabad,200 mordor,and have visited Moria

Grinnah(Goblin Lieutenant) 700 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk and have visited Goblin town

Crag-Rut(Morian Orc Soldier)650 Gundabad,350 Mordor,full set Gundabad Uruk and have visited Moria

Glower-Rak(Morian Orc Soldier) 655 Gundabad,345 Mordor,Full set of Gundabad Uruk and have visited Moria

Slag-Luk(Gundabad Soldier) 600 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk, and visited Mt Gundabad

Grishlick(Morian Orc Fighter) 650 Gundabad,400 Mordor,have full set of Gundabad uruk,and have visited Moria

Slith-Rat(Morian Orc Scout)550 Gundabad,150 Mordor,have full set of Gundabad Uruk,have a warg,have visited Moria

Ratskeen(Goblin Fighter) 450 Gundabad,have visited Moria and Goblin town

Garn-Rak(Uruk Soldier) 650 Gundabad, have visited Mt Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk

MauGoth(Uruk Captain) 750 Gundabad,have visited Mt Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk and 20 gundabad troops

Barash(Gundabad Overseer) 700 Gundabad,have visited Mt Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk,have 10 gundabad uruks

Radbug(Uruk Soldier) 600 Gundabad,have visited Mt Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk

Fleg-Dush(Uruk Soldier) 650 Gundabad,have visited Mt Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk

Skazg-Nul(Uruk Soldier) 645 Gundabad, have visited Mt Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk

Mazauk-Dob(Eastern War Troll)800 Gundabad,750 Dol guldur,450 Mordor, have visited Mt Gundabad

Naaka-Thraang(Eastern Mountain Troll)850 Gundabad,800 Dol guldur,500 mordor,have visited Mt Gundabad

Olog-Burz(Cave Troll) 750 Gundabad,have visited Moria,and have visited Mt Gundabad

Dragh-Ghash(Cave Troll) 800 Gundabad,have visited Moria,and have visited Mt Gundabad

Thob(Gundabad War Troll King and Mt Gundabad Guard) 950 gundabad,900 Dol guldur,850 Angmar,have full set of Half troll Armor,have visited Mt Gundabad

Gorzag(Gundabad hunter) 650 gundabad,600 dol guldur, have full set of Gundabad uruk, have a warg, and Gundabad Uruk bow

Zalg(Gundabad Overlord) 1450 Gundabad, have full set Gundabad Uruk,have 50 troops,have visited Mt Gundabad,have visited Angmar

Voisiol(Legate of Carn-dum and Mt Gundabad) 800 Gundabad,750 Angmar, Have full set Golden Easterling armor,have visited Mt Gundabad and Carn-dum

Krabanak(Supreme Leader of Mt gram and Garrison of Barad-dur) 1300 Gundabad,1000 Mordor, have full set Gundabad Uruk,have visited Barad-dur,have visited Mt Gram

Crugbit(Goblin Town Scribe) 450 Gundabad,have visited Goblin Town

Doof(Goblin town Warden) 500 Gundabad,have visited Goblin town

Dork(Goblin town Warden) 490 Gundabad,have visited Goblin town

Dagal the Observer(Goblin Town Commander) 750 Gundabad, have visited Goblin town and have full gundabad Uruk,have 30 troops

Luzog(Uruk Captain of Goblin town) 650 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad Uruk,have 15 troops

Ugslap(Goblin town Captain) 600 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad Uruk, have 20 troops

Garny(Orc smith) 350 Gundabad,have Blacksmith hammer

Gorbla(Orc smith) 400 Gundabad,have blacksmith hammer

Gaskbuz(Uruk commander) 750 gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk,have 35 units

Burgrug(Chieftain) 650 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad Uruk,have 25 units

Lugronk the brown(Olog guardian of Durin's bane) 800 gundabad,650 mordor,have full set half troll,there must be a durin's bane,and have visited moria

Malkur(Orc assassin and spy) 550 Gundabad,500 Angmar

Mozgog(Master Uruk warrior) 900 Gundabad,850 Mordor,have full set Gundabad Uruk

Shardakh(Chief of the village Garkash) 750 Gundabad,700 angmar,must have Garkash built,have 20 troops

Ambal(uruk chief) 650 Gundabad,350 isengard, have full set uruk-hai,and 35 uruks of isengard

Ashpar the Merciless(Morian captain and smith) 650 Gundabad,150 isengard, have full set Gundabad uruk and have 15 Gundabad uruks

Bashkuga(One of the greatest weapon smiths) 750 Gundabad,500 mordor,350 isengard ,have blacksmith hammer,and full set Gundabad uruk

Borgob(Morian chieftain)650 Gundabad, have full set Gundabad, and have 30 gundabad orcs or uruks and have been to Moria

Brakh(Morian Conquerer and twin brother of Grakh) 650 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad uruk, and been to Moria and have 15 gundabad orcs

Bruk(Morian Conquerer)700 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 20 gundabad orcs, and have been to Moria

Bulag(Morian Conquerer) 750 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk and have 20 Gundabad orcs, have been to Moria

Burakh(Morian Conquerer and brother to Bulag) 700 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk and have 20 gundabad orcs and been to Moria

Daul(Balin Morian Colony Conquerer) 650 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk and have 20 gundabad orcs and been to Moria

Dhaub(Morian commander) 765 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk and have 45 Gundabad orcs and been to Moria

Folok(Morian Overseer) 750 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk and have 35 gundabad uruks and been to Moria

Gagraz(Captain of the Chamber of Mazarbul) 650 Gundabad,full set of Gundabad uruk and have 25 Gundabad orcs and have been to Moria

Gartok the skullspitter(Morian chieftain and ambushed the elves of Rivendell) 800 Gundabad,full set of Gundabad uruk and have 50 Gundabad orcs and been to Moria and Rivendell

Gathrok(Captain of Gamil Filik in Moria) 780 Gundabad, full set of Gundabad uruk, have 45 gundabad orcs, and have been to Moria

Ghuk(Morian Guard) 450 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad uruk and been to Moria

Gorthak(Morian captain) 500 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 35 gundabad orcs and been to Moria

Grakh(Morian conquerer and brother to Brakh) 700 Gundabad,have full set gundabad uruk have 20 gundabad orcs and been to Moria

Greb(Morian captain) 350 Gundabad,150 Isengard have full set Uruk-hai and have 15 isengard snaga and have 10 gundabad orcs and been to Moria

Grilaz(Morian elite taskmaster) 500 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk, have a gundabad bow and have 5 gundabad uruk archers and been to Moria

Hazhbaz(Morian captain) 650 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad uruk,have 35 gundabad orcs and have been to Moria

Horvak(Morian captain)600 Gundabad,have full set of Gundabad uruk, have 30 Gundabad orcs and have been to Moria

Huzghash(Senior Morian Guard)450 Gundabad, have full set of Gundabad uruk have 10 Gundabad orcs and have been to Moria

llzakal(Uruk capatin of Moria) 600 Gundabad,450 isengard, have been to Moria,have full Uruk-hai, have 25 Uruk-hai,20 Gundabad orcs

Krumnakh(Warg tamer of Moria) 500 Gundabad,have been to Moria,have 40 Warg riders, have full set of Gundabad uruk

Lugdrak(Morian captain) 600 Gundabad,250 Mordor have been to Moria,have 25 warg riders, have full set of Gundabad uruk

Lurkh(Morian commander) 650 Gundabad,have been to Moria, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 35 Gundabad orcs

Lushgak(Cave troll tamer) 850 Gundabad, have full set Gundabad uruk, have 10 trolls, 5 hill trolls and have been to Moria

Magog(Morian Goblin king) 1050 Gundabad,have been to Moria,have Gundabad uruk set and have 95 Gundabad orcs

Maugrath(Morian tribal king) 965 Gundabad,have been to moria, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 85 Gundabad orcs

Mezagor(Morian Conquerer) 650 Gundabad,have been to Moria,have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 25 Gundabad orcs

Nanulg(Morian Conquerer)700 Gundabad, have been to moria, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 30 gundabad orcs

Nurdak(Skilled archer of Moria) 450 Gundabad, have gundabad bow, have full set of Gundabad uruk and have 2 gundabad archers

Nushdrak(Morian scouts captain) 650 Gundabad, have been to Moria, have 15 warg riders, have full set Gundabad uruk

Pashnar(Morian conquerer) 650 Gundabad, have been to Moria, have 20 gundabad orcs, have full set Gundabad uruk

Raulik(Master taskmaster of Moria) 800 Gundabad, 650 dol guldur, have been to Moria and dol guldur,have 35 Gundabad uruk archers have full set of Gundabad uruk

Rugh(talented tracker) 650 Gundabad, have been to moria,have 15 warg riders and 15 gundabad orcs, have full set of Gundabad uruk

Shaghosh(Morian conquerer) 700 Gundabad, have been to Moria, have 35 Gundabad orcs, have full set of Gundabad uruk

Talug(uruk commander in Moria) 750 Gundabad,700 isengard, have full set of Uruk-hai, have 30 uruk-hai and 30 Gundabad uruks, have been to Moria and Isengard

Taugan(Morian Guard)650 Gundabad, have a warg,have full set of Gundabad uruk have been to Moria and have 10 gundabad orcs

Ugnar(Black uruk captain in Moria) 650 Gundabad,600 Mordor, have full set of Black uruk, have been to Moria, have 30 Black uruks, and 40 Gundabad orcs

Ulzog(High king of Moria tribes) 1500 Gundabad,have full set Gundabad uruk, have 200 Gundabad orcs,have been to Moria

Unur(Troll tamer) 500 Gundabad,have 10 trolls, 5 ologs, have been to Moria, have full set of Gundabad uruk

Urbrhum(Morian conquerer) 660 Gundabad, have been to Moria, have full set of Gundabad uruk, have 35 gundabad orcs

Yul(Morian Goblin General) 950 Gundabad, have 100 Gundabad orcs, have full set of Gundabad uruk, have been to Moria

Buthrakur(Warlord of the Underdeeps of Moria and a Cave Troll) 850 Gundabad, have full set of Half troll, have 45 Gundabad uruks and 15 trolls and 5 trolls, have been to Moria

Muranog(Master of Morian signs and a Olog and high scribe of Durin's bane) 750 Gundabad, have been to Moria, have 10 trolls, have full set of Half troll, and have 45 Gundabad orcs

Rung(Morian troll commander) 800 Gundabad, 45 trolls,20 hill trolls,10 ologs, 50 Gundabad orcs, have full set of half troll, have been to Moria

Ufgamog(Troll chief of Moria) 750 Gundabad,have 20 trolls, and 5 hill trolls, and 50 gundabad orcs, have been to Moria, have full set of Half troll

Umagaur the Pale(Troll king of Moria or King of Moria after the death of Durin's bane) 1600 Gundabad, durin's bane dead,have full set of Half troll, have 50 trolls,35 hill trolls,15 ologs, 250 Gundabad orcs, have been to Moria


Dragon Roles

Note that the pictures are not near where the text of their role and requirements are at but the pictures are in order of each dragon

Throkmaw(a dragon of the grey mts) 650 gundabad,500 mordor,450 angmar, have full set of gundabad uruk, have visited the grey mts and scartha's lair(since his lair was about 20 miles away from scartha's) and heres a picture of him


Daelomin(a dragon of the grey mts) 750 gundabad,600 mordor,550 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk.have visited withered herth here is a picture of her


Ruingruth(a Dragon/Greatworm of the grey mts and also son of ancalgon) 850 gundabad,700 mordor,650 angmar,have full set of gudnabad uruk, visisted withered herth here is a picture of him


Leucaruth(great worm of the grey mts) 700 gundabad,600 mordor,500 angmar, have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of her


ltangast(great worm of the grey nts) 900 gundabad,800 mordor,700 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Angurth(fire-drake of the grey mts) 800 gundabad,750 mordor,700 angmar,have fulls et of gudnabad uruk have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Bairanax(Colddrake of the grey mts) 650 gundabad,600 mordor,550 angmar, have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Culgor(cold drake of the grey mts) 700 gundabad,650 mordor,600 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Haurnfile(Cold drake of the grey mts sister of culgor) 750 gundabad,700 mordor,650 angmar, have full set of gundabad uruk, have visited withered herth here is a picture of her


Dynca(passive cold drake of the grey mts) 450 gundabad,400 mordor,350 angmar, have full set of gundabad uruk, have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Hyarleuca(Young cold drake of the grey mts) 600 gundabad,550 mordor,500 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Kuzadrepa(a drake of the grey mts) 650 gundabad,600 mordor,550 angmar,have full set of gundabad armor,have visited weatherd herth here is a picture of him


Klyaxar(cold drake of the grey mts) 700 gundabad,650 mordor,600 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth and forodwaith here is a picture of him


Lomaw (cold drake of the grey mts brother of Ninanaur) 750 gundabad,700 mordor,650 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Nimanaur(cold drake of the grey mts brother of Lomaw) 750 gundabad,700 mordor,650 angmar,have full set of Gundabad uruk, have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Uruial(red dragon of the grey mts) 600 gundabad,550 mordor,500 angmar,have full set of gundabad uruk,have visited withered herth here is a picture of him


Clan leaders shown from the map

Clan leaders 500 Gundabad,450 angmar,400 dol guldur, visit Mt Gundabad,have full set gundabad uruk armor, 35 gundabad orcs 15 gundabad uruk.


Lore Characters of Gundabad


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Azog, known also as the Defiler and the Pale Orc, was an orc who lived in the Third Age. He commanded the tribes of Moria from TA 2790 until his death in TA 2799. He was responsible for the death of King Thror and for King Thrain's madness.

Azog was a powerful orc who claimed rulership over the abandoned Dwarvish mines of Moria during the Third Age. He became the leader of the Goblins of Moria and initiated the War of the Dwarves and Orcs in TA 2790by beheading King Thrór, who had come to revisit the ruins of the ancient dwarven kingdom of Moria. At some point he had a son named Bolg. In the following years, Azog was the common enemy of all dwarves, and the war he started had its climax in the Battle of Azanulbizar, where he killed Náin, only to be himself slain by Náin's son Dáin, who would later become King of Durin's Folk. His son, Bolg, inherited the reign in Moria and continued it for decades until his death at the Battle of the Five Armies.

Azog entered history in the year TA 2790 due to King Thrór's desire to revisit and perhaps restore the lost realm of Khazad-dûm. When Thrór was found in the armories of Khazad-dûm, he was brought before Azog, being accused of thieving. He tortured Thrór for two days until he was informed of a second dwarf outside of Moria. He decided to kill Thrór after he defied him with the words "These are the Halls of Durin!" He beheaded Thrór and carved his name in Thrór's head, then threw Thrór's body over the stairs. Azog then called out to Nar, the other dwarf, from the gate, demanding that he deliver a message back to Thrór's people, warning that beggars who dared to enter Moria and attempted thievery would meet a similar fate.

Azog then called out that he had killed Thrór , and that he now ruled Moria as king. His name in runes was carved onto the brow of Thrór, forever branding it into the hearts of the Dwarves. Nár was barred from retrieving the head of Thrór, and the orcs threw him a small pouch of coins of little worth as a final gesture of scorn. Nár took the pouch, turned, and fled. When he looked back, orcs had emerged from the gate and were hacking apart Thrór's body and flinging the pieces as carrion for the ravens.[2]

When news of this reached Thrór's heir Thráin, he was greatly angered and mustered a force of Dwarves from the House of Durin and others to seek revenge on Azog, though it took three years to muster their Dwarves. So began the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. The Dwarves hunted Azog, and many battles were fought beneath the earth. After nine years of war, before the gates of Moria itself, the climactic Battle of Azanulbizar was fought. In that battle, Azog was pursued through the Gates of Moria, killed, and beheaded by Dáin, son of Náin. His head was impaled on a stake, and the pouch of coins he had thrown to Nár was stuffed into his mouth.[2]

Except for Thrain, the Dwarves made no attempt to press their advantage by pursuing the orcs into the mines, many of them having been slain. They warned Thrain against entering Moria. Dáin had glimpsed Durin's Bane deep within and warned the Dwarves to not attempt entering Moria.[2] Azog's underground realm's population had been greatly reduced in the war and his reign passed to his son Bolg for the next 150 years, until Bolg's death in the Battle of the Five Armies.


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Bolg in Ravenhill

Bolg was an Orc leader of the Misty Mountains during the late Third Age.

In The Hobbit, Bolg was the son of Azog of Moria, succeeding him after his death in the Battle of Azanulbizar (the last battle of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs) in TA 2799 by Dáin II Ironfoot. He had resettled in the old refuge of Mount Gundabad after the kingdom of Angmar was abandoned, and apparently ruled Goblins of the Misty Mountains from their capital at Mount Gundabad during the Battle of the Five Armies.

Bolg ruled the northern goblins for about 150 years and led the army of goblins, Wargs, and Bats in the Battle of the Five Armies, in which he took his bodyguards with him. In that battle he was crushed by the mighty Beorn, avenging Thorin Oakenshield who had just been fatally wounded.

Durin's bane

Balrog - FOTR

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Durin's Bane refers to the particular Balrog of Morgoth that had fled following Morgoth's defeat during the War of Wrath to live and slumber deep within the depths of the Dwarven kingdom of Moria during the Third Age.

Although its true name and history are largely unknown, this Balrog became an important figure during the War of the Ring, eventually being awakened by the Dwarves of Moria, wreaking destruction upon those who stood against it and forcing the survivors to abandon the kingdom. Moria was left to the Balrog, and became known as a place of darkness and fear for hundreds of years, and it was not until the Fellowship of the Ring passed through Moria and inadvertently awakened the Balrog that it was finally slain, in a great duel with the wizard Gandalf.

Durin's Bane was one of the Maiar spirits that existed before the creation of the world (of the same order as Gandalf and Saruman), who descended into Ardawith the Valar. It was eventually seduced and corrupted by Melkor, becoming one of the Valaraukar and joining with the other balrogs in Morgoth's service. The balrog fought in many battles of the War of the Jewels, up to and including the War of Wrath. It somehow managed to survive Morgoth's defeat, fleeing east and taking refuge beneath the Misty Mountains.

For more than five thousand years, the balrog lay dormant at the roots of Barazinbar. It remained undisturbed throughout the Second Age and most of the Third Age, until the miners of Dwarf-King Durin VI awoke it when they mined too deeply and too greedily in their search for mithril. The balrog slew Durin, and was thereafter known as Durin's Bane.

The dwarves attempted to fight the balrog, but its power was far too great. Despite their efforts to hold Khazad-dûm against it, King Náin and many of the dwarves were killed, and the survivors were forced to flee. News of the disaster reached the Silvan Elves of Lothlórien, who called the balrog the Nameless Terror (not knowing its true nature at the time) and began to refer to Khazad-dûm as Moria (dark abyss).

For five hundred years, Moria was left to the balrog. Sauron began to put his plans for war into effect around the year TA 2480 of the Third Age, and sent orcs and trolls to the Misty Mountains to bar all of the passes. Some of these creatures came to Moria, where they stayed in uneasy alliance with the balrog, which they feared.[1]

Tolkien did not clarify whether Sauron was aware of the balrog's presence prior to this time, and thus the full extent of their alliance remains unclear.

The Balrog had a small but important role at the Battle of Azanulbizar, the climactic battle in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. In TA 2799, the dwarves finally defeated the majority of the orcs occupying Moria, but Dáin II Ironfoot, having slain the orc Azog, felt the terror of the Balrog at the gate and declared that Moria itself remained beyond their power to conquer. Despite an attempt to recolonize Moria by Balin in TA 2989, Durin's Bane remained a menace in the ancient kingdom of the Dwarves, its true nature hidden to the outside world.

In January of TA 3019, the Fellowship of the Ring traveled through Moria on the way to Mordor. There, they were attacked in the Chamber of Mazarbul by orcs. The Fellowship fled through a side door, but when Gandalf, also a Maia, tried to place a "shutting spell" on the door to block the pursuit behind them, the Balrog entered the chamber on the other side and cast a "terrible" counterspell. Gandalf spoke a Word of Command to stay the door, but the door shattered and the chamber collapsed. The company fled with Gandalf, but the orcs and the balrog, taking a different route, caught up with them at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. At the Bridge, Legolas instantly recognized it as a Balrog, and Gimli recognized it as Durin's Bane. Gandalf then challenged it in order to allow the others to escape.[1]

The balrog ignited its whole body in flames, then attacked with its flaming sword, which Gandalf destroyed with his own sword Glamdring. The Balrog ignited its body a second time, then took out its red-hot whip and swung it about. Gandalf then smote the Bridge before him with his staff. The staff broke asunder, a blinding sheet of white flame springing up, and the bridge cracked at the feet of the Balrog, who fell forward into the abyss. But as the Balrog fell, it swung its whip. The thongs of the whip wrapped around Gandalf's legs, dragging him over the edge and into the darkness below with the Balrog.

After a long fall, the two crashed into a great subterranean lake, which Gandalf later said was as cold as the tide of death and almost froze his heart. The water quenched the Balrog's fire, reducing it to "a thing of slime, stronger than a strangling snake". Despite this relatively weak state, Durin's Bane renewed its attack on the wizard, and the two fought in the water, with the Balrog clutching at Gandalf to strangle him, and Gandalf hewing the Balrog with his sword, until finally the Balrog fled into ancient tunnels of unknown origin. There, Gandalf pursued the creature out of the tunnels, back into Moria and up the Endless Stair. The chase ended atop the peak of Zirakzigil, or Celebdil, when the Balrog's bodily flames were renewed, restoring much of its power. There, beginning on the 23rd of Solmath, the pair of Maiar fought what was later known as the Battle of the Peak. After a climactic battle that spanned for an increasingly broad amount of days, Gandalf prevailed and finally slew the Balrog, casting it down from the peak and sending it crashing onto the mountain side. The wounded and exhausted Gandalf died shortly afterwards, but was eventually "sent back, for a brief time, until his task was finished". The great eagle Gwaihir the Windlord (lord of the Great Eagles of Middle-earth) found him and carried him to Lothlórien where he was healed and clothed in white – he had become Gandalf the White.

The ultimate fate of Durin's Bane is not known, as only its physical form died, as with all Maiar when they were "killed," but what happened to the spirit of the balrog was not revealed. It is also unknown if it was the last of its kind, or if there were other Balrogs who managed to escape the War of Wrath and remained hidden in long forgotten places.

Great Goblin

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Great goblin 2012 01

The Great Goblin was a large Goblin leader who lived in the Misty Mountains in Middle-earth during the Third Age. He appears only in The Hobbit.

The Great Goblin was a Goblin chieftain of the Misty Mountains. He was a very large creature with a huge head. He was the chief of a group of goblins who lived in Goblin-town near the High Pass. They preyed on travellers who used another, easier pass near the main gate of Goblin-town until people started avoiding that route over the mountains. The goblins then made another gate that opened into a cave that they called the Front Porch, at the top of the High Pass. The Great Goblin also sometimes ordered his goblins to catch fish for him in Gollum's Lake, and these goblins were sometimes killed by Gollum.

In the summer of TA 2941, the Dwarves of Thorin and Company, along with Bilbo Baggins, were captured on the Front Porch and were brought before the Great Goblin in his great cave, where he was seated on a flat stone and surrounded by armed guards. The Great Goblin demanded to know what the Dwarves were doing in the mountains. (He seems less hostile in this passage than the Orcs are during the later War of the Ring, as his questioning seems to imply that he has not decided beforehand whether he will order the party killed, make them slaves, or even let them go, but that he will decide according to their answers. It is also possible he was just toying with the group and would kill them afterwards.)

When it was revealed that Thorin carried the Elvish sword Orcrist - which the Orcs and goblins fear and which they called "Biter" - the Great Goblin was enraged and at once leapt to attack Thorin. Immediately, all the torches in the cave were extinguished and a glowing sword "bright as blue flame" appeared. It was Glamdring, called "Beater" by the goblins, and now wielded by Gandalf. As the Dwarves were escaping, the Great Goblin leapt down in front of them, and attacked Gandalf who was at the head of the party. Gandalf then fought back, stabbing the Great Goblin and killing him.

The death of the Great Goblin angered the goblins of the Misty Mountains. A great army of goblins and Wargs was amassed by Bolg, whose father Azog had been killed by the dwarf Dáin II Ironfoot. Bolg's forces tracked Thorin and Company to the Lonely Mountain where they fought in the Battle of the Five Armies against the Dwarves, Elves, and Lakemen.


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Golfimbul was the Goblin chieftain of Mount Gram, the fortress of Goblins in the Ettenmoors, who led his band in an invasion of the Shire. He was defeated and beheaded at the Battle of Greenfields by Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took. The manner of his death at Bullroarer's hands is said to have inspired the game of Golf.

Golfimbul was a goblin chieftain from the Misty Mountains. In TA 2747, Golfimbul led an army of Goblins from Mount Gram in the Misty Mountains into the Northfarthing of the Shire. This Goblin invasion in the northern Shire occurred during the reign of Arassuil as Chieftain of the Dúnedain, and the goblins led by Golfimbul were but the most western pack of goblins which had left the Misty Mountains. The only reason Golfimbul could make it all the way to the Shire was that the Rangers at the time were fighting many battles with goblins, preventing them from settling all of Eriador.

The Goblin-host was defeated by a troop of Hobbits led by Bandobras ("Bullroarer") Took. According to the narrative in the book The Hobbit, during the battle Bullroarer charged the ranks of the goblins of Mount Gram and with a wooden club knocked Golfimbul's head clean off, sending it sailing a hundred yards through the air and down a rabbit-hole, thus winning the battle. Golfimbul would unwittingly give his name to the game of golf, which was invented by Took's actions at the battle.


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Yazneg was a character in (and created specifically for) Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film series. He was a fierce Orc captain and Warg rider. In the film he is the right hand and second-in-command of Azog the Defiler, leading his Hunter Orcs after Thorin Oakenshield and his band of Dwarves.

Yazneg's early life is not known of; the only thing known is that he was born in Gundabad or Moria around the time of the War of Dwarves and Orcs. Yazneg was first seen spying on Thorin and the other Dwarves, after they make camp on a rocky outcrop in the Lone-lands. Yazneg then orders his lieutenant, Fimbul the Hunter to report the Dwarves' location back to their master, Azog.

Later he was seen leading an all-out assault on the Dwarf party in an attempt to kill their leader, Thorin - however the Orcs are distracted by the wizard Radagast the Brown, using his Rabbit-pulled sled to outrun the Orcs and their Wargs. This distraction does not last as Yazneg is able to detect the Dwarves and focuses his attack on them in a last-ditch effort to claim the head of their leader, Thorin Oakenshield, for his master. Just as Yazneg and his Orcs are going to strike the Dwarves in their hiding spot, Elrond and his Elvish bodyguards arrive and kill many of the attacking Orcs and Wargs, causing Yazneg and his subordinate, Fimbul, to flee for their lives.

After being ambushed by the Elves and failing to kill Thorin, Yazneg and Fimbul travel back to Weathertop where the Orc hunters have made their camp.

Yazneg then reports to his commander, Azog, of the Elvish ambush and Thorin's escape. Upon hearing of Yazneg's failure to kill the Dwarf leader, Azog makes an example of the Orc by picking him up off the ground by his throat and throwing him to the Wargs, where he is torn apart and killed. Fimbul the Hunter then succeeds Yazneg as Azog's right hand. 


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Fimbul was one of Azog's Orc hunters in The Hobbit and the lieutenant of the vile Yazneg, who led the Orc hunters after Thorin Oakenshield and his band of Dwarves. Fimbul later becomes Azog's right hand and second-in-command after Yazneg is fed to the Wargs by Azog for his failures. The character of Fimbul is not in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien; he was created for Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film trilogy. 

In TA 2941, Fimbul along with Yazneg were hired by Azog the Defiler to hunt down Thorin Oakenshield and his company of Dwarves during the Quest of Erebor. When they found the Company at the Lone Lands camping out, Yazneg ordered him to send word to their master that they have found his enemy's location. Fimbul later accompanied Yazneg, numerous other Gundabad Orcs and Wargs on an attack on Thorin's group and were led astray by Radagast the Brown who was using his rabbit pulled sled to act as a distraction for the Dwarves. However, when the Orc caught the Company's scent and was killed, both Fimbul and Yazneg were able to detect the Dwarves hiding in a small crevice and proceeded to attack until Elrond and his Elven warriors arrived and slayed many of the party and caused the two surviving Orcs to flee for their lives. 

At Weathertop, where the other Gundabad Hunter Orcs had made their base, Fimbul and Yazneg arrived and had to report the Dwarves' escape, to their commander, Azog. Fimbul then watched in horror as Azog threw Yazneg to the wargs for his failures. After Yazneg's death, Fimbul succeeded him as Azog's right hand and the second-in-command of the party and rode by his commander's side as he leaded the hunt for Thorin and his company.

The Orcs eventually catch up to the Dwarves after the latter's narrow escape from the Goblin Town and force the Dwarves to climb the surrounding trees to escape the vicious Wargs. Soon after Thorin is critically wounded by Azog but is rescued at the last minute by Bilbo Baggins, who is then surrounded by Fimbul and many other hunter Orcs who, on orders from Azog, attempt to kill the small Hobbit, but are ultimately halted by the arrival of Eagles who proceed to kill many of the Orcs and Wargs present before rescuing the stranded and outnumbered party of Dwarves as well as Gandalf the Grey and Bilbo. Fimbul survives the Eagles' attack and is last seen at Azog's flank as he screams in anger as his plans to finally sever the blood line of Durin were thwarted.

In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Fimbul first follows Azog to the house of Beorn attempting to capture Thorin Oakenshield and the Company, but Azog is forced to retreat due to Beorn's presence. On the same evening, his son Bolg arrives with a message to return to Dol Guldur. Bolg then takes the mission to hunt down the Company and Fimbul joined him as a lieutenant. He follows Bolg all the way to Lake-town, where Bolg's party attacks Legolas, Tauriel, and Bard's family. Fimbul stays behind and after a while is killed by Legolas, being beheaded; who is pursuing the escaping Bolg and his Orcs.

In the film, as the Orcs continue to search for the Dwarves, Fimbul dips his finger into a pool of blood on the ground and tastes it, spitting in disgust and says "Dwarf blood!". That mimics a scene from the film adaptation of The Two Towers, where Gimli dips his finger in a similar fashion into some blood left on some leaves and tastes it, only to spit out in disgust and say "Orc blood!"


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Narzug was a member of the Hunter Orcs searching for Thorin's company of dwarves in the film The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

The character is not in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien; he was created for Peter Jackson's The Hobbit film trilogy.

In The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Narzug operates as one of Azog's lieutenants. Later he accompanies Bolg as he tries to hunt down Thorin Oakenshield and the Company, but is captured by Tauriel and Legolas in Mirkwood after attempting to shoot Legolas in the back, as the elf watches the Dwarves being carried further down the river. Narzug is killed by Thranduil, who beheads him after a contentious interrogation session during which he had taunted Tauriel about the impending death by poison of "the black-haired archer", who'd been shot with a morgul arrow from Bolg (by a morgul bow), and warns Thranduil about a building power in the south, whom he calls "The One". In the same hour, he meets his demise there.


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Ragash was an Orc from Dol Guldur who served Azog and fought in the Battle of Five Armies.

He served Azog the Defiler as a Warg Rider and scout in his army. He was Yazneg`s third-in-command along with Fimbul. He had a brown Warg and looked similar to Gothmog`s Orc Underling. Ragash hunted Thorin`s company under Yazneg and Fimbul, and witnessed Azog`s feeding Yazneg to the Wargs. Azog, Fimbul and Ragash later chased the dwarves to a small cliff edge, forcing them to climb into the trees. However, the wizard, Gandalf, lit some pinecones on fire and through them at the wargs, killing a few of them. When Bilbo saved Thorin, Ragash and Fimbul attacked him. However, the Eagles attacked the orcs and threw many of the Warg riders off the cliff. Ragash, along with Fimbul and Azog, escaped.

He later helped Bolg track the Dwarves, along with Fimbul. They tracked them through Mirkwood to a river outside the forest. He participated in the battle that took place here, killing several Elves. In Lake-town, he fought Legolas along with Bolg and Fimbul, with Fimbul being decapitated in the battle. Ragash, however, escaped with Bolg to Gundabad. He later informed Azog that the orc armies were ready to attack the Lonely Mountain at dawn, and that the attack would be sudden and swift. Ragash fought in the Battle of the Five Armies, leading the attack in Dale. In the extended edition of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, he was killed by Bard the Bowman.


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Durbûrz was the Goblin King of Moria part of a non-canonical unit produced by Games Workshop for The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game, who resembles the character Gorkil from The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II

The Goblin King of Moria has ruled the underground lands for many years with an iron fist of brutality and strength. Feared mightily (and rightly so) by his Orcsubjects, Durbûrz, while not the cleverest of Orcs, is as fiercely territorial as the rest and reacts to his realm's invasion by raising a powerful army to oppose Balin and his Dwarves.


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Gorkil goblin king

Gorkil the Goblin King is a character in the game The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II. Gorkil was a powerful Goblin ruler during the Third Age. He is portrayed solely in The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II as a goblin riding on the back of a Giant Scorpion. He appears to be the King of all the Goblin tribes.

He and his armies took control of the abandoned outpost in the Ettenmoors in Angmar, formerly owned by the Witch-king of Angmar. Sauron uses Gorkil to control the goblins and serve his will. He also owns and raised a rare, gigantic scorpion.

Gorkil was killed at the Ettenmoors by Glorfindel of Rivendell, Haldir of Lothlórien, and Gloin, father of Gimli. When he died, his goblins were lost and confused and Sauron's hold over them was broken.

It has been hinted that he has a deep dislike for his subjects, though he does show favor to them if they serve him well (mainly winning an important battle).


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Tharzog was an Orc chieftain from Mount Gram who served Agandaur, the fictional "Right Hand" of Sauron. He is also the boss of Level One in the video game War in the North.

Tharzog leads Agandaur's orc and goblin soldiers that have gathered in Fornost, the ancient former kingdom of the Dúnedain and capital of the realm of Arthedain. He is seen at the citadel gathered with other Orcs and goblins. Agandaur walks in, and asks Tharzog what the disturbance in Fornost is. He tells him that there are intruders who have freed their prisoner Beleram, one of the Great Eagles. Tharzog tells Agandaur that the intruders must be great warriors, and that they might be elves or Dwarves. Agandaur tells him furiously that he doesn't care, and that he wants them taken care of now. Tharzog orders one Orc to call his guard. He spots the elf twins Elladan and Elrohir going through the stairs leading to the top of the citadel. The gate closes behind them, cutting off their allies Eradan, Farin, and Andriel.

Tharzog battles the trio along with his Orc and goblin guardsmen. Unfortunately, Tharzog cannot overcome the trio's combined strength, and eventually dies.

Tharzog is a large, tall, and muscular Orc. His height reaches to the chest of a troll. He wears heavy armor, carries a large, rusty sword, and his face is covered by a helmet with a skull on the top of it. His eyes are wide and yellow, his skin is muddy dark brown, and he has two fangs over-biting his mouth.

Lore about some places in the Gundabad territory

Lore of Mt Gundabad

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Gundabad 1

Mount Gundabad was a chief Orc mountain-stronghold situated at the northern end of the Misty Mountains, located to the east of the ancient realm of Angmar.

Durin the Deathless, oldest of the Fathers of the Dwarves, awoke at Mount Gundabad in the north of the Misty Mountains shortly after the Awakening of the Elves in the Years of the Trees. Mount Gundabad then became a sacred place to the Dwarves.

In the middle of the Second Age, however, Orcs (ruled over by the servants of Sauron) invaded the mountains again and took Gundabad. The site would not be cleansed until very late in the Second Age, possibly around or after the fall of Sauron and the loss of the One Ring in SA 3441.

In the Third Age, the Orcs of Angmar yet again claimed it as their capital, which was one of the reasons for the Dwarves' special hatred of them. After the fall of Angmar, Gundabad remained an Orc stronghold, until it was cleansed of orcs during the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. However, hordes of Orcs seem to have trickled back to this hotly contested strongpoint and fortified it anew during the events of The Hobbit, menacing the Wilderland for yet another time. It was from here the gargantuan Goblin-horde present during the Battle of the Five Armies attacked and marched from. Their leader, Bolg son of Azog, was the supreme commander of the Orcs from Gundabad, and presumably the northern Misty Mountains.

Lore of Mt Gram

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The mountain was long inhabited by a group of Orcs led by their chief (until the year 2747 of the Third Age), Golfimbul. They terrorized some of the inhabitants of eastern Eriador which included the Shire.

In TA 2747, the growing troops of Orcs from Mount Gram attacked the Shire and so caused the Battle of Greenfields. Those orcs fell in battle against Bandobras Took and their leader Golfimbul was killed by him.

Lore of Goblin Town

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Goblin town

Goblin-town was a Goblin dwelling in the Misty Mountains south of the Mountains of Angmar - a network of branching caves and tunnels which stretches out from the High Pass in the Northern part of the mountain range. Most of the tunnels were carved by the Goblins, though they also incorporated pre-existing caverns and passages.

During their journey to Lonely Mountain, Thorin and Company were captured by the goblins while they slept in the western entrance to these caves, thinking them to be empty. A crack opened at the back of the cave while they slept, and through that they were taken by the goblins down to the Great Goblin's cavern. Here they were eventually saved by Gandalf, and the Great Goblin was killed. This enraged the goblins, who silently pursued Gandalf, Bilbo, and the Dwarves, who ran down a long tunnel. The Company was accosted, and managed to fight free, but Bilbo was knocked unconscious while the Dwarves ran on unaware of his plight.

When he came to, Bilbo found a small ring on the ground (it was the One Ring, although he did not know it then), and followed a tunnel down to Gollum's lake, where he met the creature Gollum, and played a riddle game with him. Toward the end of that game Gollum realized he did not have the ring and, suspecting Bilbo, chased after him. Bilbo, not realizing the ring's power, slipped it on, and Gollum could not find him. To keep Bilbo from escaping, Gollum ran toward the exit of the caves. Following the creature through the tunnels, Bilbo was thus inadvertently led by Gollum to the "back-door", which was the eastern entrance to the caves. Bilbo then leapt over him in the dark, evaded some goblin guards, and successfully squeezed through the final door (losing many of his shirt-buttons in the process).

Lore of Moria

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Moria was an underground mine beneath the Misty Mountains. It was a realm of Dwarves of Durin's Folk.

Moria, or as it was known in the ancient days Khazad-dûm, was founded by Durin the Deathless. Durin awoke at Mount Gundabad, in the Misty Mountains, in the period of time known as the Years of the Trees, and came upon a shimmering lake beneath the mountain Celebdil with a crown of stars reflected in its waters. He named it Kheled-zaram as it was known in Dwarvish tongue, the Mirrormere. Thereafter it remained a revered place amongst the Dwarves. In the caves above the lake, Durin's folk built Moria.

Durin thus became King Durin l of Khazad-dum, the first of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves.

Many centuries later, the Dwarves continued to name their kings after him, as they believed that all other rulers of Moria were re-incarnations of Durin who wished to live amongst his people once again. Millennia passed and the caverns of Khazad-dûm became ever more famous in Middle-earth and many kings were set upon the throne of Durin the Deathless. The gates were kept open, as there was no shadow on the world at that point, and the Dwarves were on very friendly terms with the Elves.

In SA 40 after the fall of Beleriand in the War of Wrath and the Dwarves of Nogrod had deserted their city, the city was enriched in numbers, smithing, crafting, and masonry. These factors ever strengthened Khazad-dûm and brought prosperity to their city. 

With the fall of Beleriand in the north, the Ñoldor looked for a new land to call home. They founded the land west of Moria, Eregion. A rare friendship sprang up between the Elves and the Dwarves of this new land, and they each aided each other in constructing the magical Western-gate of Moria, and went so far that they even presented King Durin lll with a lesser Ring of Power. The bond between Khazad-dûm and Eregion suddenly came to end as, in SA 1697, the Dark Lord Sauron corrupted the country of the elves, and despite the best efforts of the Dwarves to help them, he succeeded in destroying the fair land driving away all the elves, though the Elves managed to win the war against Sauron, the Dwarves were not that fortunate. At this time the Doors of Durin were flung shut and sealed against Sauron's forces, and Khazad-dûm began a long seclusion from the outside world. It was at this time that the Orcs invaded Mount Gundabad, taking it from the Kingdom of Durin for themselves.

Throughout the beginning of the Third Age, the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm expanded its treasure, but its numbers began to dwindle. The majority of their wealth was based on their hoards of Mithril of which they mined in their deepest tunnels, and as the centuries went by the Dwarves delved ever deeper for the precious metal. 

In TA 1980, they dug too deeply and greedily for Mithril and to their loss they unearthed a nameless terror in the depths beneath the city. This dreadful creature wrought destruction throughout the city wiping out most of the Dwarves and slaying King Durin VI. Thereafter the creature was named Durin's Bane. After the Dwarves had left, Khazad-dûm gathered dust and stood dark and empty, but for the sinister creature that lurked in the depths. This was when it was named Moria, the Black Pit.

The monster, later revealed as a Balrog of Morgoth, remained alone in Moria for nearly five centuries until it was populated once again, but not by Dwarves. The Orcs, refugees from the north, began to raid the abandoned city of its treasures and made a decision to occupy it. They came upon the Balrog and began to worship it as their deity. Mordor started to send out troops of Orcs and Cave Trolls to populate Moria, making an evil place for them to multiply. During the Battle of Azanulbizar, many of these Orcs were felled in the valley beneath the eastern gate of Moria in TA 2799, and the numbers were reduced dramatically. But the Balrog still remained and many Orcs and Trolls with him, and so Khazad-dûm stayed evil for the time being.

The wizard Gandalf entered the city for the first time at some point between TA 2845 and TA 2850 searching for King Thrain ll, who had recently disappeared on a journey to Lonely Mountain.

In TA 2989, the Longbeards, descendants of the ancient Durin Folk living at the Lonely Mountain, ignited an attempt to reclaim and recolonize their ancestral dwelling - Khazad-dûm. The expedition was led by Balin son of Fundin, one of Thorin Oakenshield's Company of Dwarves who accompanied Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor. He led a group of Dwarves from Lonely Mountain to Moria, and successfully eviscerated a considerable amount of Orcs, taking many of the eastern halls and recovering priceless ancestral treasures such as Durin's Axe. However, the number of Orcs was too great compared to their small company and all, including Balin, were slain in TA 2994.

When the Hobbits Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin; the Men Aragorn and Boromir; the Dwarf Gimli; the Elf Legolas; and the Wizard Gandalf set out from Rivendell on the Quest of the Ring, they were forced to make their way through Moria after the failed attempt of climbing Caradhras (Redhorn) where they were pursued by Wargs. They entered through the western-gate near a lake with dark waters from which a tentacular monsteremerged and attempted to kill Frodo. When inside, the Fellowship passed through many tunnels and great halls until finally reaching the Chamber of Mazarbul. It was here that they came across Balin's Tomb and a book, explaining the last accounts of the Longbeards.

They were then taken by surprise as Orcs and cave trolls pursued them through Moria to the Bridge of Khazad-dûm where the Balrog rose from the depths. Gandalf bravely confronted the creature and the two briefly dueled on the bridge before plunging together into the abyss below. This saved Gandalf's friends' lives as they carried on out of Moria into Dimrill Dale. Gandalf and the Balrog both survived the fall; the wizard then pursued the monster up the Endless Stair to the peak of Celebdil, where a final battle took place. In the end, Gandalf defeated the Balrog and cast its corpse down onto the mountain side, before succumbing to the wounds of his battle.

Eventually, Moria was reclaimed by the Dwarves of Durin's Folk under Durin VII who became King of Durin's Folk and of Khazad-dûm and lived there ever after.

Lore of Mt Caradhras

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Caradhras, also called the Redhorn and Barazinbar, was one of the mightiest peaks in the Misty Mountains.

Caradhras was one of the Mountains of Moria, the three mountains under which the great Dwarf palace of Khazad-dûm was built. It was also the only site in Middle-earth where Mithril could be mined. But mining ever deeper into the roots of the mountain in search of Mithril, the Dwarf miners also unwittingly awakened the Balrog of Moria.[2]

Caradhras was called the Cruel by the Dwarves and had long had a bad reputation.[1] The Redhorn Pass (also called the Redhorn Gate) was known to be treacherous and was used by Hobbits migrating from Gladden Fields into Eriador. Because of its proximity to the Gladden Fields, it is possible that the River-folk may have passed through the Redhorn Pass.

In TA 2509, Celebrían, the wife of Elrond, passed through Redhorn Pass and was captured by Orcs.[3]

After the fall of Khazad-dûm, this pass was predominantly used by Elves travelling between Lorien and Eriador.

On their quest to Mount Doom, The Fellowship attempted to cross the Redhorn Pass, lying beneath the slopes of Caradhras, but were met with harsh weather and falling rocks, prompting them to turn back. Gimli attributes this to Caradhras itself, calling upon a malevolent force to stop them, out of an apparent dislike of Dwarves and Elves.

Lore of Mt Celebdil

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Zirakzigil by deagol

Zirakzigil also called SilvertineCelebdil (Sindarin: "Celeb" [Silver], "-dil" [point]) by the Elves, was a mountain in the Misty Mountains of Middle-earth where Gandalf's fight with Durin's Bane ended.

Zirakzigil was one of the great peaks in the Misty Mountains. On its peak stood Durin's Tower. It was one of the three Mountains of Moria, along with Caradhras and the Fanuidhol, under which lay the ancient Dwarf realm of Khazad-dûm.

The Dwarves called the mountain-summit Zirakzigil. In ancient times, they built the Endless Stair - a spiral staircase of many thousand steps - from the roots of the mountain up to its peak. On an eyrie atop the mountain they built Durin's Tower. By the end of the Third Age, the stair and the tower were remembered only in legend.

Then, on January 23, 3019, Gandalf and the Balrog climbed the Endless Stair to the summit of the Silvertine. There they fought the Battle of the Peak, which lasted three days. During the battle, Durin's Tower was destroyed and the stairs were blocked. The Balrog of Moria was finally destroyed. Gandalf the Grey died and was soon returned to life as Gandalf the White. Gandalf was rescued from the Silvertine by Gwaihir the Windlord on February 17, 3019.

Lore of Mt Fanuidhol

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Fanuidhol (Sindarin: "Fanui-" [Cloudy], "-dhol' [helm]), also known as Bundushathûr(in Khuzdul) or Cloudyhead, is a mountain in Middle-earth.

It was a peak in the Misty Mountains, one of the three peaks (with Caradhras and Celebdil) that were the ceiling of the Dwarven city of Khazad-dûm.

Lore of Mt Methedras


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Methedras was the southernmost peak of the Misty Mountains, that lay above Isengard in the valley of Nan Curunír.

Lore of the misty mountains

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The Misty Mountains, also named the Hithaeglir [Sindarin; hîth (mist) + aeglir (range of mountain peaks)], was a mountain range that ran 1280 kilometres (795.35 miles) from north to south between Eriador and the valley of the Great River, Anduin, and from Mount Gundabad in the far north to Methedras in the south.

An early version of this range's name was Ered Hithui [Sindarin; ered (mountains) + hithui (misty)].

The range's notable peaks were Caradhras, Celebdil, Fanuidhol, Mount Gundabad, and Methedras.

The northernmost peak of the Misty Mountains was Mount Gundabad; where according to legend Durin (eldest of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves) awoke, though it became an abode and mountain-fortress of Orcs.

The greatest Dwarven realm in Middle-Earth, Khazad-dûm (later named Moria), was located at the midpoint of the Misty Mountains. The three peaks that were part of Khazad-dûm were Caradhras (Redhorn), Celebdil (Silvertine) and Fanuidhol (Cloudyhead). Inside Celebdil, the Dwarves built the Endless Stair, from the foundations of the mountain to the top of it. The southernmost peak of the Misty Mountains was Methedras, meaning "the Last Peak".

The most important passes were the High Pass and the Redhorn Pass. There was also a pass at the source of the Gladden river.

The Gap of Rohan was the valley (probably of the River Isen) between the southernmost peaks of the Misty Mountains and the northernmost of the White Mountains. There may have been a gap between Mount Gundabad in the Misty Mountains and the westernmost extremity of the Grey Mountains, though published maps differ on this point.

Under the Misty Mountains were the former Dwarf realm of Khazad-dum, and the "Goblin-town" in which Bilbo Baggins stumbled across the One Ring, which had been in the possession of the creature Gollum, who also dwelt there himself on the eastern side. Rivendell was hidden in the foothills of the Misty Mountains at the western end of the High Pass.

Carn Dûm, where the Witch-King of Angmar resided for several centuries in the Third Age, lay between a western spur of the northern extreme of the range, known as the Mountains of Angmar. Mount Gundabad, the largest Goblin dwelling in the Misty Mountains, was located south-east of Angmar.

Isengard lay centered around the Tower of Orthanc in Nan Curunír, the valley between the arms of Methedras, which was the southernmost peak of the Misty Mountains. The "stone-giants" also inhabited this mountain range, as told in The Hobbit.

The Misty Mountains were created by Melkor during the Time of the Trees, who wanted to make it difficult for Oromë, who often rode across Middle-earth hunting his fell beasts, to pass.

The Dwarves of Durin awoke under Mount Gundabad and later established the caves of Khazad-dûm. Later, when the Elves on their Great Journey to Valinor looked upon their terrible height a portion of the Teleri, later known as the Nandorgrew afraid and turned south down the Great River. Thousands of years later, the Ñoldor returned to Middle-earth and established great realms in the Beleriand and in the highlands, but they never crossed the mountains or established realms within them.

Over three-hundred years into the First Age, the tribes of Men crossed the Misty Mountains and began migrating into the Beleriand, first the Edain and then later the Easterlings or Swarthy Men. After the defeat of Morgoth, the surviving orcs and a Balrog came to live there and would remain a problem for over six-thousand years. The Easterling men who fought with Morgoth crossed the mountains and began living east of the Wilderland in Rhûn. The Great Eagles also began living here in a place known as the Eagles Eyrie.

The great Dwarven realm of Khazad-dûm beneath the Misty Mountains thrived as good relations with the Ñoldor of Eregion were established, until Sauron invaded Eriador from Mordor and the east destroying Eregion and ravaging the lands beyond. The dwarves survived by shutting themselves in Khazad-dûm behind the Doors of Durin.

In TA 1980, the great Dwarven realm of Khazad-dûm came to an end when the Dwarves unearthed a Balrog which led to its desertion by TA 1981, after which it was known as Moria (literally, "black chasm"). Slowly, the Misty Mountains became increasingly perilous and dangerous to travelers as Goblins and other creatures came to dwell under there.

Almost a thousand years later, the thirteen Dwarves, Gandalf, and Bilbo Baggins used the High Pass to cross the Misty Mountains during the Quest for the Lonely Mountain, and were captured by Goblins whilst crossing. Under the mountains, the Great Goblin was slain, and Bilbo found the One Ring.

The Fellowship of the Ring tried to cross the Redhorn Pass (after rejecting the High Pass leading to Rhovanion as being watched by the Enemy, and the Gap of Rohan as taking the Fellowship too close to Isengard), but a blizzard forced it to go under the mountain instead of over it. They faced a Balrog that dwelt in the deserted realm of Khazad-dûm. Gandalf slew the Balrog by casting it down from Zirakzigil, but it had worn his life already, and on that high ground he lay until Gwaihirbore him to Lothlorien.

Lore about Dain's halls

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Dain's Halls

Dáin's halls was a name used for the halls that formed the capital of the Grey Mountains, the name coming from the Dwarf-king Dáin I.

The Halls of Dáin were probably originally founded by the first exiled dwarves from Khazad-dûm who had fled the city because of the Balrog. However because there is no information on the halls, it can only be assumed that it was the capital of Durin's folk at the time.

In T.A. 2589[2] Dáin was killed by a great Cold-Drake along with his son Frór at the entrance to the city. A year later, most of Durin's folk abandoned the mountains, and left for Erebor and the Iron Hills.[1]

It is possible that either under Dáin II's or Thorin III's reign that this city was retaken.

Lore of the Grey mts

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The Grey Mountains, or the Ered Mithrin, were a large mountain range in Middle-earth located to the north of Rhovanion.

The Grey Mountains were the last remnants of the wall of the Iron Mountains or Ered Engrin, which once stretched all over the north of Middle-earth, but were broken at the end of the First Age after the War of Wrath. North of the Grey Mountains lay Forodwaith, or the Northern Waste. This land was known as Dor Daidelos during the First Age, but most of it was destroyed in the breaking of Arda after the War of Wrath.

In the maps of the Second and Third Age it may look like the Grey Mountains were but a northern arm of the Misty Mountains, but in truth this mountain range was far older, stemming from the creation of Arda, whereas the Misty Mountains had not been raised until after the Years of the Lamps.

Where the Grey Mountains met at their western end with the Misty Mountains lay Mount Gundabad, an ancient Dwarvenholy site and the place where Durin I awoke.  

The stretch of mountains west of the Misty Mountains which still formed one range with the Grey Mountains was known as the Mountains of Angmar, another remnant of the Iron Mountains.

The eastern end of the Grey Mountains was split into two branches, and in between lay the Withered Heath, where dragons still bred. After that was a long gap, until the Iron Hills continued the old line of the Iron Mountains again. The Lonely Mountain, or Erebor, was not part of either range and was entirely separate.

From East to West the mountains stretched some 350 Númenórean Miles, and the sources of the Great River Anduin, Langwell, the river Greylin, and the Forest River of Mirkwood arose in this range.

Of old the Grey Mountains had been mined and inhabited by Dwarves of Durin's Folk, but by the Third Age all Dwarven strongholds had been abandoned or raided by dragons, and the Grey Mountains served only to divide Forodwaith from Wilderland.

Lore about the Coldfells

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The Coldfells were a hilly region located to the north of Rivendell.

Aragorn's grandfather Arador was captured here and slain by Hill trolls.

Lore of the High Pass

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The High Pass, also named Cirith Forn en Andrath, was an important mountain pass over the Misty Mountains.

On its western end was the refuge of Rivendell, and from there the Great East Road climbs into the mountains until it reaches the mountain under which lies the Goblin-town.

The High Pass was first created before the First Age by Oromë the Vala, in order to allow for a crossing of the mountains by the Eldar. Later in the First Age the High Pass was used by the Dwarves, who connected their roads (the Great East Road and the Men-i-Naugrim through Mirkwood) with it.

It is worth noting that there are actually two passes at this location. The lower pass is more prone to being blocked by Orcs; hence, most travelers using the higher pass outside of those rare occasions when the Orcs were suppressed.

In the later days of the Second Age, the High Pass was used by the armies of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men led by Gil-galad and Elendil when they marched through it on their way to confront the armies of Sauron in Mordor.

During the later Third Age the Pass became dangerous again because of the Orcs increasing in the mountains. Only with the advent of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, which nearly wiped out all Orcs of the mountains, did the pass become safe again. Afterwards, the pass was considered to be safe for about one-hundred and forty years until about TA 2940, just before the Quest of Erebor when the goblins of Goblin-town had delved an entrance to their underground tunnels on the pass. Thorin and Company were captured there in TA 2941 when they intended to pass through the mountains on their way to the Lonely Mountain.

After the Battle of the Five Armies, the pass was once again free from danger and was maintained by the Beornings and for many years afterwards it had become important to trade between peoples living in Eriador and Rhovanion. During the War of the Ring, the Fellowship of the Ring bypassed the High Pass because the eastern side of the Misty Mountains had become too dangerous due to a winter snow storm. It was also the most obvious route they could take from Rivendell.

lore of Withered Heath

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The Withered Heath was a region at the eastern extreme of the Grey Mountains at the time of the Lord of the Rings. There, the Grey Mountains broke into two spurs, north and south. Between these spurs lay the Withered Heath.

The Withered Heath was a burned, blackened valley and known for being a breeding ground of the Great Worms and Serpents. The Dragons lived and nurtured around the Withered Heath. Smaug the Golden terrorized the Dwarven Kingdom of Lonely Mountain as well as Dale, a Kingdom of Men. Smaug the Golden was the most infamous Dragon from the Withered Heath. In the twenty eighth century of the Third Age, he destroyed the realms of the Lonely Mountain and Dale under Thrór and Girion, respectively, and was finally slain by Bard the Bowman in TA 2941.

Lore of orcs in the misty mountains

Orcs of Gundabad

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The Gundabad Orcs  were the Orcs inhabiting Mount Gundabad. They had attacked the mountain and took it from the Dwarves of Durin dwelling there. They were the servants of the Witch-king of Angmar before they had seized Gundabad.

Some time during the Second Age, the orcs that had survived the destruction of Angband were forced to wander the Northern Waste and find a new home. This was when they attacked the mountain and took it from the Dwarves. In the Third Age, the Orcs of Angmar officially stated Gundabad as their capital, which angered the Dwarves greatly.

Gundabad remained an Orc stronghold, until it was cleared of orcs in TA 2799, after the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. However, small groups of orcs must have returned and fortified it anew during the events of The Hobbit, menacing Wilderland once again. It was from here that the Goblins present at the Battle of the Five Armies came from in their marching numbers. Their leader, Bolg, son of Azog, was the supreme commander of the orcs from Mount Gundabad and presumably the northern Misty Mountains and was killed by Beorn,  the skin-changer. Although in the movie Legolas defeats Bolg after he battles Tauriel and kills Kili. It is unknown what became of the orcs after that or who their leader was, but some say they eventually left Gundabad and settled in the Misty Mountains. In battle, they were armed with orcish scimitars, spears and axes.

Hunter orcs

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Orcs t600

The Hunter Orcs were a ruthless group of Orcs who served Azog the Pale Orc and followed Fimbul and Yazneg. Those who roamed the lands east of the Misty Mountains were a particularly aggressive kind of Orc. Mounted on vicious Gundabad Wargs, they can quickly cover and control broad territories.

Orcs of the misty mountains

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250px-John Howe - The Great Goblin

The Orcs of the Misty Mountains were a tribe of Orcs settled in the tunnels of the mountains. Far from Sauron's main dominions in Dol Guldur and Mordor, they seemed to have acted independently, harassing the regions and peoples around them, and eventually occupying Moria.

Their origin, and when they settled those tunnels is not known. However, judging by their recognition and hatred of the Gondolin-forged blades Orcrist and Glamdring, it is likely that many of them were originally bred during the Elder Days, and are remnants of Morgoth's armies that fought in the Wars of Beleriand.

By the Second Age Orcs who survived the War of Wrath attacked and drove out the Dwarves from Gundabad.[1] Sauron must have taken at least some control over them when he settled in Mordor. Orcs of Mordor had come among them[source?], and under their command they ambushed and killed Isildur at the Disaster of the Gladden Fields in early Third Age.

In T.A. 1300 the Orcs started increasing and harassing the Dwarves.

The awakening of Durin's Bane, drove the Dwarves from their city. It also seems that some Dwarves either before or after the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, dwelt on the eastern side of the mountains near Goblin-town.

After the fall of Moria in T.A. 1981, Orcs of the Misty Mountains entered and occupied its ruins.[4] Around 2480 they Orcs begun to make secret strongholds in the Mountains so as to bar all the passes into Eriador[3]. In 2509, on a trip to Lórien to visit her parents, Celebrian was waylaid by Orcs in the Redhorn Pass. She was captured and tormented, receiving a poisoned wound until her sons rescued her.[3]

Around 2740 the Orcs became more bold, daring to invade Eriador. The Rangers of the North fought many battles with the sons of Elrond trying to hold them back, but one party managed to reach the Shire in 2747. They were fought off by a party of brave Hobbits under Bandobras Took, who killed their leader Golfimbul in the Battle of Greenfields.

Long afterwards, Moria became the seat of an Orc-chieftain named Azog who slew King Thrór of the Longbeards, beginning the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. In 2793 the Dwarves sought revenge, assailing and sacking one by one all the Orc-holds they could from sacking Mount Gundabad in the north, to the Gladden Fields in the south. Most of the war was fought underground, in the mines, halls, and other dwellings the Orcs had occupied or created. The war ended with the Battle of Azanulbizar where Azog himself was slain.[4]Causing thousands of Orcs to flee south through Rohan, who found refuge in the White Mountains, troubling the Rohirrim for two generations.

The Orcs of the Misty Mountains virtually disappeared as a threat for Eriador and Wilderland but the Dwarves were unable to reclaim Moria.

The Goblin-town had a main gate in one of the passes of the Mountains from which they assaulted travelers. As that way was eventually too dangerous and abandoned, travelers took the (seemingly safer) High Pass, so the goblins opened the Front Porch as an alternate means to snatch people.

After that, the Orcs lurked among the Misty Mountains, and in 2941, a group of them under the leadership of the Great Goblin, started planning a joint raid with the Wargs against the Woodmen to capture slaves. When they discovered Thorin and Company, they thought they were spies of those woodmen and hunted them down, fearing they would warn their people. They escaped with Gandalf's help, killing the Great Goblin in the process.

Furious, the Orcs gathered at Mount Gundabad under the command of Bolg to seek revenge and secure domination of the North. The goblins were about to sweep southward when they learned of the death of Smaug and marched by night through the mountains and appeared unexpectedly at Erebor, almost immediately after the arrival of Dáin Ironfoot, and participated the Battle of Five Armies. It ended in defeat for the Orcs (three fourths of their entire population killed), and left the Misty Mountains free of them for many years afterwards.

In 2989 Balin left the Lonely Mountain and entered Moria with other Dwarves to start a colony and restore Khazad-dûm. The Orcs later counter-attacked, and in 2994, the entire expeditionary force was besieged and destroyed.

By the time of the War of the Ring, the Orcs of the Mountains though permanently depleted, reclaimed Moria but fell under the command of Sauron and Saruman. The Orcs of Moria attacked the Fellowship of the Ring and had a major showdown in the Battle of the Chamber of Mazarbul. Following them, a band of Orcs crossed the Nimrodel, but they were destroyed by a regiment of the Galadhrim.

Some were amongst the party of Orcs that attacked and captured Merry and Pippin at Parth Galen.

The Longbeards eventually succeeded in recapturing Moria, which suggests that the Orcs of the Misty Mountains diminished.


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Goblins High Pass

"Goblins" are what Tolkien called the Orcs that Thorin and Companyencountered in the book The Hobbit. They lived deep under the Misty Mountains in many strongholds, ever since the War of Wrath in the First Age. In The Hobbit, Tolkien described them as big, ugly creatures, "cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted." Tolkien explained in a note at the start of The Hobbit that he was using English to represent the languages used by the characters, and that goblin (or hobgoblin for the larger kind) was the English translation he was using for the word Orc, which (he wrote) is the hobbits' form of the name for them. Tolkien used the term goblin extensively in The Hobbit, and also occasionally in The Lord of the Rings, as when the Uruk-hai of Isengard are first described: "four goblin-soldiers of greater stature".

A clear illustration that Tolkien considered goblins and orcs to be the same thing, the former word merely the English translation of the latter, is that in The Hobbit (the only one of Tolkien's works in which he usually refers to orcs as goblins) Gandalf asks Thorin if he remembers Azog the goblin who killed his grandfather Thror, while in all his other writings Tolkien describes Azog as a "great Orc."

Sometimes Tolkien did state a difference between Orcs and Goblins, sometimes using the word Gongs was used as well as a sub-type of Orc. In Peter Jackson's Film Trilogy Goblins and Orcs are different. However in The Fellowship of the Ring (film) Moria is full of Goblins but in the flashback in An Unexpected Journey it is swarming with Gundabad Orcs.

Moria goblins

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"Moria Goblins" refers to the orcs that resided in and had overtaken Moria.

These goblins were akin to the other Orcs of the Misty Mountains. After the Balrog killed King Durin VI, goblin bands began to raid Moria, pillaging it of its gold, jewels, and Mithril. They were lead by Azog. When Thror came to reclaim Moria with Nar, Azog killed Thror, initiating The War of Dwarves and Orcs. The Dwarves hunted down Azog until he was killed by Dain II Ironfoot in The Battle of Azanulbizar. After Azog's death, his son Bolg led an army of Orcs (possibly including ones from Moria) to The Battle of Five Armies, where they lost terribly, and Bolg was slain. Later when Sauron started gathering his forces he sent many goblins and cave-trolls to Moria, where they multiplied. When the Dwarves, led by Balin, returned to Moria, the goblins attacked and killed them, though many were slain. More were killed when the Fellowship passed through Moria, and still more when they pursued their quarry to Lothlórien and were killed by Elves there. In battle, these goblins used swords, bows, and knives. One "huge Goblin-chieftain, almost man-high, clad in black mail from head to foot" carried a great spear (with which he struck Frodo) and a scimitar.

During the War of the Ring, forces from Moria assaulted Lothlórien, but were driven back.

During the Fourth Age, the Goblins of Moria were driven out when Durin VII and the Dwarves reclaimed Khazad-dum.

Orc Berserker

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Orc Berserkers were the most ruthless and fearsome Orcs of Dol Guldur.

These Orcs are a type of Gundabad orc. During the The Battle of the Five Armies, Bolg led about hundred of these Orcs, also known as Bolg's Bodyguards, as the vanguard of his massive army. Most, if not all, of the Orc Berserkers were slain during the battle.

Goblin Mercenaries

(Golbins from Goblin town) This is from the one wiki to rule them all

Goblins High Pass

Goblin Mercenaries were Goblins from Goblin-town that joined the Gundabad Orcs to avenge the Great Goblin's death.

In TA 2941, after the death of the Great Goblin, as many as 200-400 Goblin Mercenaries from Goblin-town chose to avenge their king and joined Azog's army to lay siege on the Lonely Mountain. During the Battle of Five Armies, several dozen Goblin Mercenaries activated catapults mounted on the backs of several Trolls to destroy the walls of Dale, while more than a hundred others stormed into the city with the Orcs, Trolls, and Ogres. Another group of about a hundred Goblin Mercenaries arrived first at Ravenhill to attack Thorin II Oakenshield and Dwalin while Fíli and Kíli entered the caves of Ravenhill to search for Azog. The Goblin Mercenaries were easily defeated by Thorin and Dwalin. The last remnants of the Goblin Mercenaries band was killed by the Great Eagles, led by Gwaihir the Windlord.

Guldur Orcs

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Guldur Orcs are a group of orcs who settled in the ancient fortress of Dol Guldur in approximately TA 2941, none of them was from the abandoned fortress, but were from Moria which mainly from Mount Gundabad.

When Azog the Defiler paid homage to the Necromancer of Dol Guldur (Sauron) made a pact in which Azog would bring the armies of the Misty Mountains to conquer the North of Middle-earth and to revive the ancient kingdom of Angmar. During the quest to reclaim Erebor from the Dragon Smaug, many of the Orcs of Dol Guldur met in the Sorcery Hill and began to forge weapons and armors to prepare for war in the east region of Rhovanion. After Gandalf was imprisoned by Sauron, all the Dol Guldur Orcs departed for the Lonely Mountain. During the Battle of Five Armies, Azog lead a Legion of Dol Guldur Orcs, fortunately the orcs were defeated and annihilated in this battle, though with leaving the forces of good with terrible losses as well. ( the battle wouldn't have been won if Thorin did not charge and rally his comrades.)

These Orcs were the same size if not even larger than the Uruk-hai - they were almost identical with other Guldur Orcs and they were disciplined when in their formation. They carried unusually small but long strapped shields and also wielded glaives long as pikes and used them with one hand. Their armour was full-plate over their skin, for they did not wear any padding underneath, which may be the reason why they are quite agile while wearing heavy armor. They also wielded war-cleavers, instead of scimitars or swords.

Their officers had horizontal wedges on top of their helmets and carried two polearms, a war billhook and a shortened version of their infantry's glaives.

Some were pale and others were brown, some were black and some were grey, they varied in size but the majority stood as tall as a human.

Guldur War troll

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Guldur War Trolls also known as "Gundabad Trolls" were a large and stocky breed of "great" Olog-hai bred in the cesspits of Mount Gundabad. Along with Azog's orc legions, many of these large trolls congregated in the pits of Dol Guldur. Over a dozen of these Giants marched across central Middle Earth along with other forces of Sauron (namely orcs and wargs) To siege the previous dwarven stronghold of Erebor. These trolls were seen fighting against Dain and Thranduil's armies during the Battle of the Five Armies.

Along with co-participating catapult wielding Misty Mountain Trolls, these Ologs were also very large, dwarfing all the other troll/olog types seen previously, (about 25 feet tall or more) used as terror weapons and war beasts, these giant trolls were either given full or partial suits of crude yet durable iron armour. unlike the smaller yet extremely similar Guldur Olog-Hai (which were all fully armored,). During the battle of Erebor, these giant beasts devastated dozens of soldiers with one strike alone of their weapons.

Being Ologs, these trolls were quite intelligent and kept formation with the orcs as they marched to battle. The war trolls carried a variety of weapons into battle against the allied armies of dwarves, elves, and men. Some trolls carried huge scythed gauntlets fitted with huge and sharp blades. (similar to the Guldur Orcs' shields). Others carried steel war maces and huge wooden clubs fitted with iron spikes in order to smash men and elf alike into paste. Some even used their bare hands, balling them up into fists to smash the allied armies, a few just simply grabbed the allied soldiers and threw them across the battlefield.

Misty mountain trolls

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The Misty Mountain Trolls lived most of their lives near the high pass in the Misty Mountains. Their physical bulk is outstanding: they tower over Troll sand yet they have some of the qualities of Orcs.

Aside from Guldur War Trolls, these trolls are unlike any other seen previously. Being much larger than the average Troll and extremely hard to take down, they are some of Sauron's greatest weapons of war. Although their origins are unknown, they most likely hail from the northern Misty Mountains in Mount Gundabad.

This species of troll was created not by Tolkien, but by the makers of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.

In The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, some ventured into the lair of the Orcs to get away from the sun. However a single group of them followed the goblins to Mount Gundabad and fought in the Battle of Five Armies. They are first seen with catapult mechanisms on their backs and Goblins operating it, in which they proceed to launch catapults at the the ruined city of Dale. They were all wiped out during later stages of the battle. Their leader, was an Ogre, who lifts his club in the air and brings it down hard, signaling the trolls to fire the catapults.

It is unknown what types of trolls these are, but it can be assumed that they may be large Mountain Trolls from Mount Gundabad.

In the extended edition, Azog commands his lieutenants "Send in the War Beasts." and a group of trolls charge out of the tunnels but are quickly shot down by Elven archers and Dwarf chariots. Alfrid Lickspittle's death is caused by a catapult mounted on top of a Misty Mountain Troll, as Alfrid is stuck in the catapult, he drops a coin on the lever which launches him into another War Beast, killing the war beast and Alfrid.

Earlier, a Misty Mountain Troll is flipped onto his back, causing the catapult to activate, launching him into the sky, then landing on a pile of Orcs.

Guldur Olog-hais

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Guldur Olog-Hai

The Guldur Olog-hai were elite warriors in Azog's Dol Guldur army.

These more cunning relative of trolls were used primarily in Azog the Defiler's Dol-Guldur orc army, directed to come out as soon as Azog called for the war beasts, almost immediately these trolls smashed into the allied army, causing massive damage. When some of the orc regiments made their way to the ruins of dale, some of these trolls joined them, climbing over the walls or simply smashing them down to gain access. One of these trolls was even given a stone headpiece to act as a battering ram to the walls of Dale. The smaller trolls with clubs rallied against Dain's forces but are stopped by Thorin and companies arrival from the gates of Erebor and they are all destroyed by the rallied dwarves. Some of these trolls survived until the end of the battle, still fighting on when the bats of gundabad arrived. But once the Eagles arrived, the remaining trolls either fled into the Were -Worm tunnels, or were eventually taken down by the combined allied forces.

Heavily armored in thick plates of steel, these trolls were more than a match for the allied armies during the battle of the five armies. They were about 9-12 feet tall at most, being the smaller trolls on the battlefield. Their only weapons were wooden clubs fitted with iron spikes, of which was to be used on the iron hill dwarves, and mirkwood elves.

These trolls were various sizes and more importantly they were armoured like the Guldur Orc's. They were either about the size of a regular troll in the films or an Ogre. These trolls were fearsome weapons on the field and devastated dozens of soldiers with one strike alone of their weapons.

These trolls were quite intelligent and kept formation with the orcs as they marched to battle, in battle these trolls carried bladed axe/sword like weapons upon their arms, (similar to the Guldur Orcs's shields) long metal maces which could smash the very earth several feet into the air, taking down several men at once. Some even used their bare hands, balling them up into fists to smash the allied armies, or sweeping them up and throwing them like rag-dolls. Others used spiky clubs.

These trolls so far have only seen action in the Peter Jackson's film adaptation of the Battle of the Five armies, and seen during the later portion of the battle, preparing to charge at a surrounded portion of Dain's army at the gate of Erebor. Six of these trolls were put to the front lines to attack, when Thorin Oakenshield rallied the dwarves and regained their morale, four of these trolls were killed by heavy spears, being lodged directly into their necks, killing them. (However it is also possible these trolls have been fighting previously and were wounded by attacks from before)

The remaining trolls held their ground and smashed into the Dwarven lines. Later on these trolls were reinforced by the much larger trolls, and bats of Gundabad.

Warg riders

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Warg riders were a group of Orcs specially trained to ride Wargs, the gigantic bloodthirsty race of wolves from the North, into battle.

Warg riders first appeared during the Battle of the Five Armies, where they killed many Men and Dwarves before being defeated on the slopes of the Lonely Mountain. Based on descriptions in The Hobbit, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains had some control over the Wargs living there. However, most Warg riders were loyal to the evil leaders of Mordor.

Their armor was unique to the Warg-riders, and unique within the group; some, such as their leader (allegedly named Sharku, perhaps in reference to his great age) wore little beyond bone and fur, whereas others preferred to be more heavily protected, wearing multiple layers of rotting hide, fur and hair or mail, but nearly all included something from the remains of the Warg's kill, such as bone and tooth, and from parts of the Warg itself. Keeping their weight down was a factor with most in order not to tire the Warg.

Sharku's relative lack of protection may have been a status symbol; as the leader and longest-surviving member of the pack, he may have been demonstrating that he needed no barrier between himself and the monsters they shared their lives with.

Their curiass was often made from the bones of a horse's rib cage, to which was stitched pieces of hide and fur; during centuries of wear — if the Orc survived his close contact with the Wargs, living with and feeding them as they did — the Warg-rider's armor would go from foul-smelling to rotten, and so would need to be constantly repaired and replaced.

Fresh hide would be stitched on top of old, and bones would be replaced as they disintegrated. Other parts of the orc's body would be wrapped in hide that had been reinforced with bone, and adorned with Warg fangs and spikes made from sharpened bone, to protect it from both enemy and ally.

Their armor may have been further strengthened by bonding pieces together with glue made by boiling down horse bones and hooves. Some orcs wore helmets made from the skulls and scalps of their kills, both beasts and men, and these often featured grisly crests of bone. A rough cloak of Warg fur would have completed the outfit.

The jockeys carried no shield, as both hands would be needed to hold on to the sword he carried and to the Warg itself.

War trolls

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War Trolls were a large and stocky breed of Trolls that lived in the northern areas of the Misty Mountains, Angmar, Mount Gundabad, Rhudaur, Dol Guldur, Mordor, and Rhûn. Standing in between 25-30 ft in size, many of these colossal trolls were used as great soldiers to Sauron's armies throughout the Second and Third Age. Unlike Mountain Trolls, Cave Trolls, Snow Trolls, these War Trolls are very hard to kill and would take an army of 1,000 combatants to take one down. Those that lived in the cold environments of the Misty Mountains were pale and lived somewhere near the high-pass.


Rule number 1 be respectful to all members even if they are a rank lower then you

Rule number 2 the only person who can declare war is Azog the Pale Orc

Rule number 3 do not tell our war plans to others only Azog can do that

Rule number 4 do not declare ruler of a stronghold yours Azog will decide if you have potential to do that and some of the gundabad roles already own a certain place such as durin's bane he rules over Moria and golfimbul rules over mt gram and etc with the goblin king and great goblin

Rule number 5 if you steal from any gundabad place you will be punished by Azog himself

Rule number 6 if you decide to rebel against Gundabad you shall never return ever again you go form your own tribe.

Rule number 7 if you met the requirements of a role you go tell melkor and if you met the requirements for a rank you tell melkor to change your rank for gundabad and same thing for the roles

Rule number 8 if you do a crime in Gundabad we will have a trial to see if you are guilty or innocent (nearly all the time its guilty) so don't make a damn crime

Rule number 9 if you are doing a job you better do it damn right if not you will be kicked out of that job and be arrested and sent to jail for 1 MC day

Rule number 10 do not claim you are rule of Gundabad if you do you shall be removed of the faction to never be accepted again (unless azog changes his mind)

Nationality of Gundabad



Gundabad uses its own banner ofc this is a picture of it if you do not know what it looks like


The Language of the orcs of Gundabad is black speech but some such as hunter orcs used a ancient Orcish language and some can speak the common tongue like these men can

Gear []

The gear of Gundabad the regular troops are to be wearing Gundabad uruk armor but the other type of units of Gundabad usually use what they scavenge or what our armorer make from the metals our miners find and what the blacksmiths use for weapons which are sword,pikes,spears,axes,hammers,bows,and crossbows,and daggers


Gundabad was given permission to use other units of other evil factions Gundabad's army roster can have Gundabad orcs,Gundabad uruks,warg riders of gundabad,angmar,isengard, or Mordor, uruks and snagas of isengard,Berserk s of Isengard, Black uruks,Olog-hais, mirkwood trolls,spider riders and spiders,dg orcs,mordor orcs,halftrolls, angmar orcs,trolls and finally hill trolls.

Builds already built for Gundabad

Builds under construction

Western Moria

Dain's halls

Scartha's lair

Ruin's of Framsburg

Coldfells capital

Anduin hills capital

Blue crag's capital

Eastern Moria

Central Moria

Dimril dale Settlement

Hunter Orc stronghold

Base of operation in the Lossoth land to aid their survival

Tomb Place for kings

Lag-sharak(mine settlement)

Lag-thrugrim(mine settlement)

Zarak Dum

Hawrim-Taigh(evilman village next to Eastern Moria)

Brin Coch(Troll settlement)

Garkash(Orc village)

Ongushar(orc outpost)

Three Hamlets(evilmen hamlets next to Western Moria)

New Mt Methedras

Mt Scourge(will be new Capital of Gundabad)

Mt Gundabad

Mt Gram

Mt Celebdil

Mt Caradhras

Mt Funuidhol

Zagh kala

Goblin town

High pass

Troll cave



Red Drozzan


Ogiz den

ettenmoors Fort

Lone-lands Fort

Fort Zignir



kala Dularkurth also known as the ice orc city


Raider Orc stronghold

Tribes that lived in Mt Gundabad

Burzath tribe

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Drawn in to the Host of Gundabad — some would say "enslaved" — when the vast ore lodes were discovered beneath the triple peaks, the Burzath (Orc."Dark Crafters") tribe supplied the greatest number of tunnelers, miners, and builders to the Orcish capital. Commanded in battle by the Warlord of the Cloven Spire, they were steadier, if less fierce, than the Huvorgha and played a prominent role in sieges and rearguard actions. Their tribal banner was a pick and split rock in black centered on a red field.

The Largest of Gundabads tribal hosts, the Urhoth Burzath was commanded by the Warlord of the Cloven Spire. It consisted of 1500 Common Orcs (120 lurgs forming 12 zhari) and 18 Greater Orc officers. Only one zhari was Warg-mounted. While scimitars were common, there was a higher preference for hammers and other battering weapons than was the case among other tribes, and bows were rarer. Six Greater Orcs not in command of a zhari, served as their leader's personal "Claws." The Urhoth Burzath traditionally comprised the right wing of the Host of Gundabad.In Battle Burzath troops built earthen ramparts, dug trenches, and drove mines under the walls of enemy fortresses.The Mukhardar or masons of Gundabad, were also largely drawn form the Burzath. They were the largest single Nazg-arth, since in a subterranean city their talents were constantly in demand.

Burzsnutu tribe

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The Burzsnûtu (Orc."Night-Nosers") were a sub-group of the Ilguz of Gundabad. They served as the Ashdurbukselite Trackers and spies, sniffing in every corner throughout the Orc capital, spying on potential foes and revealing to the Goblin-king the machinations of the unscrupulous and the careless complaints of the dissatisfied.

Huvorgha tribe

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The Huvorgha (Orc."Everlasting Howl") were the original Orc-Tribe of Mount Gundabad, survivors of the great flight from Angband under the command of Skorg, this tribe took pride in furnishing the fiercest warriors of Mount Gundabad as well as the most Greater Orcs. The guards of the Drake Gate and the border patrols of the citadel (with the best opportunities for raiding and looting) were drawn from the Huvorgha. Their tribal banner was a black field bearing crossed red scimitars.The Sulmog-vrás of Angmar were closely related to the Huvorgha.

llguz tribe

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Last of the tribes of the Host of Gundabad to submit to the Goblin-king's power, the Ilguz (Orc."All-Cunning") were at first glance seemingly the least warlike of the Orcs, the polar opposites of the savage Huvorgha. Slow to attack, fighting only at need, the Ilguz had made themselves valuable in other ways. Subtle and clever, they furnished the best of the elite Trackers, as well as the most skillful of the Orcish craftworkers; and the Goblin-king acknowledged their importance by retaining them under his personal authority. In war, the Ilguz were the finest of the Orcish scouts and archers, giving way to the more aggressive tribes when melee was imminent. Their tribal banner was a red field filled by a black serpent coiled around a Mannish figure.The members of the Iak-thrakalwere also mostly Ilguz, whose subtlety proved useful in the extracting of information from recalcitrant captives, or the punishment of those under the Goblin-king's displeasure.

Krach-UI tribe

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Third of the tribes to join the Host of Gundabad, the Krach-ul (Orc."Servants of the Cracks") proved their worth in the searing heat of the great forges, where they excelled in the smelting and casting of metals. Derisively called "Burnthides" by other tribes, the Krach-ul had adopted the insult as a badge of honor. The Krach-ul were commanded by the Warlord of the Twisted Spire and were infamous for their sadistic and brutal behavior on the battlefield and in treatment of captives. Their tribal banner was a black field with red flames.

Gundabad Orcs tribe

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The Gundabad Orcs were the orcish tribes who took into possession of the ancient dwarven city of Gundabad. They were orcs from the north and led by formally independent Chieftains, not directly ruled by Mordor.

Goblin town tribes


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The Goblins of the Kapûl-Doraz (Goblin-Town) were for the most part descendants of two different tribes. The first were Mountain Orcs who hailed from the north, descendants of Morgoth's Warrior-Orcs. The other - and more numerous - group were Deep-Orcs, small and degenerated Goblins hailing from the Underdeeps and descendants of the slave caste of Utumno. In the Second Age these Orcs were joined by Greater Orcs from Barad-dûr who had been sent by Sauron to take control and fortify the passes over the Misty Mountains such as the High-Pass and the Old Pass.These lackeys of Mordor quickly rose in the Mountain realm's hierarchy and made themselves the rulers of the indigenous goblin-clans and built the vast under-mountain realm known as Goblin-Town.

The clans of Goblin-Town were numberless, but collectively forged into one big tribal federation known as the Uruk-Tarkhnarb. The Tarkhnarb's traditional ruler was known as the Great goblin and usually an individual descending from a small bloodline of Ogslap , one of Morgoth's demon-Orcs, or Boldogs.

Orc tribes inside Moria

Durbaghash tribe

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Of all of Moria's Orcs, the Durbaghash, or "Firerulers,"

were the most skilled in the arts of mining and smith-craft. Their symbol, a simple blood-red circlet, betrayed their passion for "burning fury." They bore the circlet on their shields and wore it on their foreheads (as a brand), proclaiming themselves as the most obvious host among an unsubtle race. The Fire-rulers resided in the First and Second Deeps, but they sought control over all of Moria's mines and smith-halls. They hoped to seize those sites held by their weaker but more numerous Snaga brethren. The Snagahai controlled the westernmost reaches of the upper and central Deeps; however, they faced considerable pressure from the Durbaghash. Moving slowly and steadily westward into Snaga territory, Fire-ruler war-bands systematically slaughtered any Snagahai they encountered, collecting food, territory, weaponry, and trinkets. The Durbaghash averaged about four feet in height and had a grey-black complexion. They carried oval shields and heavy scimitars. War-band chiefs and champions often bore stout spears and falchions and dressed in chain armor, but the majority of Fire-rulers traveled relatively light. The Durbaghash relied on quick, pitiless strikes to achieve their goals. Led by an unstable, and often deranged Uruk, Maugrath the Pale, they were given to making peculiar and capricious demands and then launching devastating and unpredictable assaults. Their ever-angry, five foot tall Chieftain preferred war as a means of settling disputes and honing the skills of his two hundred and forty Orc fighters. Thirty-six mail-armored, Wolf-riding bodyguards comprised the core of Maugrath's host. Accompanied by a like number of Wargs, they acted as the Fire-rulers' elite shock troops. They also kept their fiery brethren in line. Maugrath's ruthless persona and fondness for elaborate sacrificial ceremonies endeared him to many of his subjects, but others only responded to the threat of the lash or the prospect of ritual execution. The Durbaghash took prisoners only when they needed slaves. Otherwise, they slaughtered all of their captives. Some prisoners found their way to the open fire-pits or the dinner table, while others ended up a Fire-ruler tribute and suffered their end in the awful care of the heinous Balrog.

Snagahai tribe

The Slave-folk constituted the largest Orc-tribe in the Black Chasm. Moria's upper Deeps served as home to over nine hundred Snagahai (B.S. "Slave-folk"), including six

hundred or so Snaga warriors. Despite their numbers, though, they were also the weakest and least unified of the three nations of local Yrch. They suffered accordingly. Frequent but erratic attacks by the neighboring Durbaghash sapping Snaga strength and trimming their territories. Always on the defensive and often facing defeat, the Slave-folk appeared (at least ultimately) to face eventual extinction. A number of reasons accounted for the Snagahai's plight. First, the average warrior was little match for his bigger brethren. Standing only three to three and a half feet tall, a Snaga fighter was small by any Orc standard. Other Yrch considered them "Gongi," or "Lesser Goblins," and counted them (as their moniker suggests) as fodder or potential slaves. Second, the Snagahai were an ancient, highly-inbred, and exceedingly dim-witted race. They quarreled constantly amongst themselves and frequently engaged in bloody infighting. Fratricide was commonplace. Effective Snaga governance and organization was at best occasional. Their loose tribal structure revolved around an unsteady balance between six jealous Orc-lords.

Third, cowardice was prevalent among the Snagahai. The Slave-folk lacked the fearless mettle associated with both the Durbagbash and the Uruk-Ungingurz, and fled unless compelled into battle. Snaga warriors were notoriously unreliable and required careful control. Ulzog, the five foot tall Uruk "Ugong," was first among the six Snaga chieftains. He called himself High-king of the Slave-folk. His five sons, however, generally ignored or challenged his edicts. The eldest, Snagul, openly opposed his father's claim. Two others, Gorthak and Shagog, often conspired to kill both Ulzog and Snagul and then seize control of the shrinking domain. Shagla and Ulthob, the youngest pair, frequently supported Ulzog, but rarely stayed committed to any policy or faction for more than a few weeks. Still, Ulzog prevailed despite all this plotting and chicanery because of luck and the threat from the Durbaghash. The Snagahai wore crude chain mail shirts and carried black round-shields emblazoned with a pair of crossed, reddish-orange scimitars, the ageless symbol of the Slavefolk. Most bore one or two curved swords and a small, stout spear or short-bow. Relatively capable hunters and fishermen, these Orcs handled missiles with a startling acumen. They made poor hand-to-hand combatants and avoided melees with conspicuous abandon.

Uruk-Ungingurz tribe

The Uruk-Ungingurz, "Orcs Sowing Steely Death,"

numbered no more than four hundred and counted no more than three hundred warriors. Nonetheless, the so-called "Urukunai" (B.S. "Death-orcs") were the strongest Yrch in Moria—save those that directly served the Balrog. They dominated the Black Chasm's upper Levels and frequently exacted tribute from both the Durbaghash and the Snagahai below. Being Uruks, or "Greater Orcs," the Uruk-Ungingurz averaged four and a half feet in height. Their skin was jet black, and their bodies were stout and strong. They favored heavy arms and armor. A typical Urukun warrior wore scale mail or half-plate armor, hobnailed boots, and an elaborate open-faced helm. He carried a pair of melee weapons, one of which was usually of the two-hand variety, and either a short bow or a throwing-axe. ( [[Two-hand scimitar]]s and battle-axes dominated the Death-orc arsenal, along side short swords, common scimitars, and longknives.) About a third of the Uruk-Ungingurz wielded pole arms and carried full round-shields. Dark grey escutcheons, the shields were punctuated by red spike-bosses and adorned with circlets of black steel. The circlet was usually fashioned in accord with the Urukun symbol: a thin, self-consuming, serpent-like drake. A rounded cut in the edges of each shield accommodated spears, halberds, and the like, enabling the Death-orcs to form shield-walls. Organized in remarkably well-disciplined units, these formations testified to the tribe's refined warcraft and stable political structure. Ufgamog, the Torog(S. "Troll") Warlord of the Uruk-Ungingurz, demanded complete allegiance and kept the entire tribe under his stable yoke. His presence accounted in part for the virtual absence of dissent among his minions. Uruk intelligence and repeated success on the battlefield had both helped underscore Ufgamog's quest for unity and dominance. An Olog Troll-lord, Ufgamog stood nine and a half feet tall. He couldbreak a steel door with a single kick and crush an Orc with one bare fist. Supported by his trusted trio of Torog bodyguards, he was the absolute master of the upper reaches of Moria.

Durub tribe

Durub (orc."Ruler"),also Durbuk or Durba in some dialects, was the orcish term for a tribal Chieftain or Lord.The King or High-Chieftain of the Orcs of the North who resideds at Gundabad was called the Ashdurbuk ("Sole Ruler").

Other minor orc tribes in moria

  • The Dark Orcs - a tribe of Orcs found in Moria at The Silvertine Lodes.
  • The Durab - a tribe of Orcs found in Nud-melek at Moria.
  • The Durub - a tribe of Orcs found in Eregion and at Zerem-melek in Moria.
  • The Gazathrug - a tribe found in Moria at The Grand Stair.
  • The Ghâsh-Hai - a tribe found in The Flaming Deeps in Moria, but also in Angmar.
  • Globsnaga - infected outcasts of The Waterworks of Moria
  • The Highpeak Goblins - a tribe found at The Grand Strait in Moria.
  • The Largzurm - a tribe of Orcs found at Nud-melek in Moria.
  • The Pûlpum - a tribe of Orcs found in Nud-melek in Moria.

Orc tribes that lived in the grey mts

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Asharag Tribe

The Asharag (Orc."One swift stroke") were a tribe of Northerner-Orcs, inhabiting the ranges of the Ered Mithrin.Though formally independent they were allies of Angmar and protected the northern caravan routes and the passes of Cirith Auris and Cirith Feadin from their main fortress of Surgax Ukog.


The Lor-Uruk-Shab (Orc."Ancient Orc-shapes") were a tribe of Northerner-Orcs.A remnant from the first Age, the Tribe was quite ancient by orc standarts .They inhabited the ruined city of Tuwurdrog and wandered the lands surrounding Shab Arch.


The Uruk-Erag (Orc."Orcs of the Forsaken Ravine") were a tribe of Northerner-Orcs, native to the Ered Mithrin.The Tribe was old and inhabited it´s realm since the early years of the second Age.Though formally autonomous they still were nominally subject to the Ashdurbuk of the orcish Capital at Gundabad.Their main settlement were the caverns of Udrabax and the lands near Cirith Auris.They had some contact with mortal men, namely the Asdriag-Easterlings.

Hiisis tribe

Hiisii (la."malevolent spirit") or Kul-Uruk were creatures of the Far North, also known as Ice-Orcs or Snow-Orcs.They were descendants of Morgoth´s Goblinsand Hobgoblins of the first Age who were ordered to guard his cold northern Realm and were altered by their master to withstand his deadly cold.The Hiisiis were divided into two castes, the lesser Ice-Orcs, who descended from the smaller Gongs, and the greater Ice-Orcs, who descended from the greater Hobgoblins.

Laroguhoth tribe

The Larzoguhoth were a tribe of Orcs who roamed the Wilds near the Barding Reach and the Iron hills.


Hobgoblins (Orc."Ugong") were a breed of Goblins and different Orc-Kind found in Ered Mithrin. The Term designated the larger Orc-Breeds or Greater Orcs who appeared before the Uruk-Hai.

Other minor orc tribes that live in the Gundabad territory

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  • Orcs of Eriador
    • The Blue-crag goblins - a tribe of smaller Orcs found in the Ered Luin.
    • The Boggarts - a tribe of Goblins that live near Lake Evendim.
    • The Bugans - a Goblin Tribe in Enedwaith and Dunland.
    • The Hontimurz - an Orcish tribe in the Lone Lands.
    • The Laenan Orcs - a tribe of Laenan in the Trollshaws.
    • The Midgewater Goblins - a small Goblin tribe in the Midgewater Marshes in Breeland.
    • The Stonehold Tribe - a small Orc tribe in the North Downs.
      • The Gramsfoot Goblins - a tribe from Mount Gram, but groups are also found at evendim and near the borders of the Shire.

Orcs of the Ered Nimrais/raider orc settlement in the Ered Nimrais

      • Agrashaga

Orcs of the Far North

      • Ice Orcs of Kala Dulakurth
      • Orcs of Forochel
        • Split-Fang
        • Red Maw
        • Frozen Hand
        • Fallen Sun
      • Snow-Orcs of Angclax and Uab
      • Bollug in the northern Anduin Vales close to the Estaravi

Orcs of Angmar or Uruk-Engmair

        • Askhai
        • Bagronkuz
        • Blogmal
        • Durbalag
        • Faulgurum
        • Ghâsh-hai
        • Ghâshfra
        • Gramsfoot Goblins
        • Krahjarn
        • Kurkurum
        • Larag-môsh
        • Lughoth
        • Ongburz
        • Skuthrugrai
        • Snagoth
        • Snowreap Goblins
        • Sulmog-Vras
        • Tarkrîp
        • Thopur-dorashk
        • Thrakburzum
        • Trûpalog
        • Ulogarûm
        • Uroth-Burm
        • Urughâsh
        • Uruk-kosh
        • Uruk-lûgât
        • Uruk-Uflag
        • Zêm-vîshturak

Battles and wars Gundabad orcs were apart of[]

War of the Dwarves and Orcs 2793-2799 TA

First sacking of Mt Gundabad Mid Second age

Second Sacking of Mt Gundabad between 2793-2799 TA

Battle of Azanulbizar 2799 TA

Invasion of Arnor lead by the witch king 1356-1975 TA

Battle of the Five Armies 2941 TA

Battle of Greenfields 2747 TA

Skirmish in Balin's Tomb 3019 TA

Battle of Fornost 1975 TA

Battle of Field of Celebrant 2510 TA

Battle of the Peak 3019 TA

Destruction of Amon Sul 1409 TA

Siege of Dale 2941 TA

Skirmish at Raven Hill 2941 TA

Duel in Dol Guldur 2941 TA

Battle of Goblin town 2941 TA

Ambush of Mirkwood 2941 TA

Chase to Rivendell 2941 TA

Attack of the Wargs 2941 TA

Attack on Lake-town 2941 TA

Battle of the North downs 1409 TA

Siege of Ettenmoors 1300 TA

First battle of Carn-dum 1300 TA

War of the Ring 3018-3019 TA

The battles First Gundabad Ruler Mukarg[]

*these were custom made by me*

The battle Northern Misty mts 125,000 Gundabad Orcs/Angband remnants vs 75,000 dwarves of the Kingdom of Mt Gundabad (Gundabad Victory 65k Gundabad orcs died and 68k dwarves died)

The battle of Mt Gundabad Outskirts 128,000 Gundabad Orcs/Angband remnants vs a giant host of dwarves around 100k-145k of the kingdom of Mt Gundabad (Dwarven Victory nearly all the Orcs were slain and about 30k dwarves were killed)

The Skirmishes of Eastern Misty mts 160,000 Gundabad Orcs/Angband remnants vs a unknown number of dwarves (Dwarven victory lead to the death of all Gundabad Orcs including Mukarg due to being trapped in Cave complexes with the dwarves sealing all exits only about 10k dwarves died)

The Battles Second Gundabad Ruler Skorg[]

*these were custom made by me*

Battle of the grey mt Narrows a huge unknown number of orcs vs 70k dwarves (Orc Victory all dwarves slain and about 50k orcs lay dead)

Battle of the outskirts of Mt Gundabad around 300,000 orcs vs 170k dwarves (Orc victory lead to the siege of Mt Gundabad and only 20k orcs lay dead while the 130k dwarves prepared to defend Mt Gundabad)

The Siege of Mt Gundabad around 280k orcs vs around 130k dwarves (The siege was a Orc victory which established Skorg the First true Orc ruler of Mt Gundabad and the Orc realm of Mt Gundabad all dwarves were killed or enslaved)

The Second battle of Mt Gundabad around 200k Gundabad Orcs vs a host of dwarves around 120k (Gundabad victory 45k orcs lay dead and 100k dwarves lay dead)

The Third battle of Mt Gundabad around 175k orcs vs 160k dwarves (Orc costly victory around 145k orcs lay dead and 150k dwarves lay dead)

The Fourth battle of Mt Gundabad around 160k Orcs vs 150k dwarves (Orc victory but Skorg passes away from old age a few days after the battle big blow to Gundabad and 145k dwarves were killed)

The Final battle of Mt Gundabad around 80k Orcs vs 120k dwarves(Dwarven victory which lead to the fall of the Gundabad orc realm and the rise of the dwarven realm of Mt Gundabad again)

The battles of the Third Gundabad Ruler Balcog[]

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The Battle of outskirts of Mt Gundabad 160k orcs and a dragon vs 200k dwarves(orc victory lead to the fall of Mt Gundabad 45k orcs lay dead and 120k dwarves died)

The Fall of Mt Gundabad 120k orcs and a dragon vs the left overs of the dwarven army and garrison (Orc victory the dragon was slained along with another 60k orcs and all dwarves were killed or enslaved)

The battles of the Fourth Gundabad Ruler Zalg[]

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The Revolution of Mt Gundabad 120k Zalg supporters vs 150k Rival supporters (Zalg supporters beat the Rival faction and fully claim Mt Gundabad Zalg's rule is one of the peaceful ones)

The Battles of the Fifth Gundabad Ruler Bralg[]

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The Revolt against Zalg 150k Bralg supporters vs Zalg's 120 supporters had(Bralg beats Zalg's supporters and takes the throne for himself which would end Zalg's 150 years of ruling Mt Gundabad)

The Gorkil Invasion 250k Goblins lead by Gorkil invade Bralg's rule of Mt Gundabad with a garrison of 125k (Gorkil defeats Bralg's garrison force ending Bralg's rule over Mt Gundabad starting Gorkil's with the death of Bralg)

The Battles of the Sixith Gundabad Ruler Gorkil[]

*these are custom made by me*

The Invasion of Arnor around 1300-1350 350k Goblins and orcs with the aid of Witch King forces against 450k Arnor forces(The evil side destorys most of arnor's forces around 250k died while 200k goblins and orcs died)

The Invasion of Arnor around 1400-1450 500k Evil forces invade the rest of arnor(Arnor still standing with around 70k men and with 350k Goblins still in arnor lands)

The Invasion of Arnor 1900-1975 750k Evil forces against the mighty host of elves and arnor men around 450k(The death of Gorkil and the end of the Invasion of Arnor all goblins lead by Gorkil died or left in the northern lands to make small tribes)

The Battles of the Seventh Gundabad Ruler Azog[]

*these are custom made by me*

The battle of the Northern lands 150k Azog's forces vs the remnats of Gorkil's massive host of 450k goblins and orcs(Azog victory over the weaklings and rallies the survivors into his host capturing Mt Gundabad and all the misty mts in the progress)

The Battle of Khazad-dum Azog and durin's banes orc forces against Durin VI host(Azog and durin's bane win the battle with the fall of Khazad-dum renaming it to Moria)

The Battle of Dain's halls in grey mts Azog with 150k orc forces against 85k dwarves (Azog victory with all dwarves lay dead and only 45k orcs lay dead with the fall of the grey mts to Azog)

The battles of western Anduin Azog and 450k of his forces vs 250k Anduin defenders (Azog victory forcing the Anduin defenders to live on the eastern side of the Anduin river with the death of 160k Anduin and the death of 70k orcs)

The Second Battle of Dain's halls Azog and 200k of his forces against the dwarven seven clans around 400k dwarves (Dwarven victory the sacking of Dain's halls and later reclaiming it before falling again against dragons)

The Sacking of Mt Gundabad Azog's chieftain and 150k of his forces against the dwarven clans around 400k dwarves(Dwarven victory the death of the chieftain and destruction of most of Mt Gundabad)

The battle of Dimril dale Azog and 70k orcs attack Thror's garrison of 25k dwarves (Azog victory leading to the battle of Eastern Moria all dwarves were killed including Thror)

The battle of Eastern Moria Azog and Durin's bane and 500k orc forces against the seven dwarf clans and 350k dwarves (The death of Azog and most of his armies around 465k died along with him and around 325k dwarves lay dead but the dwarves could not capture Eastern Moria because of Durin's bane in the way and the rest of the goblins under his command)

The battles of the Eighth Ruler Gorduf[]

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The rebels of grey mts Gorduf and his forces of 145k fighting his rival in the grey mts and his forces of 135k(Gorduf victory and uniting his tribes to fight for Gundabad both co ruling Gundabad's lands)

The fall of Gorduf and the Rise of Bolg Gorduf and his co ruler and his 150k forces fight Bolg son of Azog and his army of 350k orcs(The death of Gorduf and his co ruler and the Rise of Bolg to have revenge against the dwarves from Eastern Moria)

The battles of the ninth Ruler Bolg[]

*these are custom made by me*

The Battle of Framsburg 170k orcs lead by Bolg against the anduin defenders(Bolg wins taking the settlement losing 20k orcs in the process)

The Battle of North Eastern Anduin 150k orcs lead by Bolg against the 60k Anduin defenders (Bolg wins destorying that force to have a path on his way to erebor)

The Battle of Northern Mirkwood outskirts 180k orcs lead by Bolg against 45k Anduin defenders and 25k elves (Bolg wins destorying those forces to keep marching onto Erebor)

The Battle of Erebor first phase 220k Orcs vs 145k dwarves and 100 dalish men (bolg fails to break the enemy defenses going into phase 2 of the battle losing 110k orcs while 80k dwarves and 35k dalishmen died)

The Battle of Erebor second phase 350k orcs vs 135k dwarves, 65k dalish men,10k laketown men,45k elves (bolg fails to destory this alliance army and decided to launch phase 3 with his final reinforcements losing 200k orcs while 65k dwarves,30k dalish,5k laketown,15k elves died)

The Battle of Erebor Third phase 550k orcs vs 100k dwarves,35k dalishmen,5k laketown men,30k elves, around 150 Eagles, 55k Anduin defenders and 100 Shapeshifters(Bolg is slained during the last phase of the battle along with his whole entire army of 550k orcs while 85k dwarves,15k dalishmen,3,5k laketown,20k elves,50 eagles,45k anduin defenders,25 shapeshifters died

The battles of the Tenth Ruler Gorzul[]

*these are custom made by me*

The battle of Grey mts 150k orcs lead by Gorzul against 245k dwarves (Gorzul defeat and the lost of the grey mts)

The battle of Mt Gundabad 145k orcs lead by Gorzul against 200k dwarves (The mt falling apart turning into ruins and the death of most of the forces on the battle field Gorzul survives)

The Fight inside Moria 75k Goblins lead by Gorzul and Durin's bane against the fellowship(Durin's bane is slain while Gorzul is wounded and around 2k goblins are killed)

The Siege of Erebor 65k Goblins and orcs lead by Gorzul and around 200k Easterlings against the combined force of Dwarves and dalishmen around 245k (Gorzul and his goblins are all killed along with 145k Easterlings but around 240k of the combined forces at the Siege/Battle of Erebor died)

The Mushrooms inside Gundabad's Fungi Cave[]

Luminous Vrak

The Luminous Vrak (S. Culual, Q. Culuinacdle) also known as the Helyt was a brownish mushroom with a a 4-6" diameter cap and a stalk half as long. In total darkness, its brown gills emitted an orange light. The fungus was used extensively in Orkish healing salves. If scraped and applied to a wound, luminous vrak gills halted bleeding within 50 seconds. If the scrapings were exposed to sunlight before being processed into salve, they became inert. Once in salve form, however, they kept for several months.They grew exclusively in underground areas.

Black Cackler

The Black Cackler, also known as the MorladhadMornalalie and Duhhmaker was bitter tasting a mushroom, blackish with orange spots all over the cap, found in underground areas.It´s caps was 18" in diameter the stalk was 2' high and ringed with orange every 6." It tended to grow alone and was hard to find.

It was of no medical use but if eaten, the bitter tasting flesh produced uncontrollable laughter and foolish behavior for 4-7 hours after consumption.There was no known antidote for the effects of this fungi. Fortunately, they were not cumulative, regardless of the amount consumed.Some Orcs found it an invigorating Drug.

White Destroyer

The White Destroyer (S. "Nimdagnir", Q. "Ninquenabtar") or Urk was a massive poisonous mushroom with a a I' diameter cap on a 2' stalk. A ragged, flaring reddish ring around the middle of its stalk helped distinguish the white destroyer from other giant fungi. A sac-like cup surrounded the mushroom's base.It grew in underground areas but was generally hard to find.

The fluid from the base of the fungus could be distilled into a paralytic poison that Orcs often used to coat their weapons.The only known antidotes to white destroyer poison were a tea made from slimy gorkin—and time (its effect wore off in 18 hours).

Witches Pie

Witches Pie (S. "Orchtharas", Q. "Orcobamna") was a massive brownish, poisonous mushroom (18" diameter cap, short 6" stalk) usually growing underground, hard to find and as solitary individuals.

Its gills were white and feathery and the flesh of witch's pie tasted fine; however, I hour after consumption, the eater fell victim to its paralytic poison.There was no antidote to the poison in this fungus. The poison wore off within 12 hours.

Military Organization before battle[]

The Front Line consists of mostly Snagas warriors or other weakest orcs or goblins in Gundabad's land numbers are around 20000-65000

The Second Line behind the Front Line are the snaga skirmishers and archers numbers are around 8000-12000

The Third line behind the Second line is where mostly the main force is at of orcs and goblins numbers are around 45000-100000

The Fourth line behind the Third line is where the main archers are located at numbers are around 7500-15000

The Fifth line or known as the elite is behind the Fourth Line which where where the uruks of the army are at and the Gundabad Blackshields and the General is at with his bodyguards numbers are around 20000-40000

On the Flanks of the main orc army we have the warg forces with numbers of around 200-4000 warg riders on each side