Rise of Morgoth Server Wikia

Brief history on Lothlorien:

Lothlórien was both a forest and elven realm located next to the lower Misty Mountains. It was first settled by Nandorin elves, but later enriched by Ñoldor and Sindar, under Celeborn of Doriath and Galadriel, daughter of Finarfin. It was located on the River Celebrant, southeast of Khazad-dûm, and was the only place where the golden Mallorn trees grew.

Galadriel's magic, later revealed as the power of her Ring Nenya, enriched the land and made it a magic forest into which evil could not enter without difficulty. The only way that Lothlórien could have been conquered by the armies of Mordor is if Sauron had come there himself wielding the One Ring, for against that power the Elves could not triumph.

Although Sauron's recovery of the One Ring was the great threat to Lórien, if Frodo were to destroy the Ring the power of Nenya would fade and Lothlórien would cease to be a magical realm, but that was preferable to the enslavement of the Elves that would result if Sauron were victorious.