even on. This is griefing, and more crap like this is all over the City. Sauron, Eroth and I
all saw it, and we all think this is unacceptable. This took away a lot of hard work, and we
are not going to let this fly.
Thank you for your time.
What's on your mind?
even on. This is griefing, and more crap like this is all over the City. Sauron, Eroth and I
all saw it, and we all think this is unacceptable. This took away a lot of hard work, and we
are not going to let this fly.
Thank you for your time.
Firstly, I just want to say that these ideas of having Lore items just strewn around the world is Ludicrous! Example, (idk if the mace was hidden or no) Sauron's Mace was created for SAURON ALONE. With this system, any bozo can just find it. In my opinion, this is just plainly stupid, as is the idea of turning off KeepInv JUST because of the aforementioned dumb af idea.
So. I propose a Petition. Those who want Keepinv kept and the relic system removed, just please sign your name and ign below.
Supporters of my Petition.
Arachor (harrywm)
So basically, since a couple days ago, i cannot log in to the server as it is still pinging... and when it stops it comes up with Cannot connect. Idk if this is a problem on my end but idk how to fix it if it is, if it's a problem on the server's end, is my data corrupt or something? Some help would be GREATLY appreciated. I have only managed to join once but not afterwards since then(Yesterday).
(the name is just there because himling is a good place to make treaties and other stuff along the lines of peace) i suggest we establish rules of war none that staff need to enforce its just standard rules if broken is handled by the factions who sign it (people should suggest the rules of war that staff wouldnt have to handle like someone attacking himling just cause they want to-snipe
i don't know if it happened to anybody else, but my mug replacements have been swapped with other items (eg. ale horn --> golden ale horn and wine glass --> Pinnath gelin chestplate)
Hey, I have been inactive for some time and it seems there are some mods I am missing. Could anyone give me a correct list of the mods and their versions needed to play?
I will most likely be pretty inactive for a bit for various reasons. I will try to get on soon, although I do not know when. So try not to do any sieging, wars or whatever that will cause chaos. See you soon!
Hey, Koopa! I found a cool picture that I thought you could add to the front page! I didn't draw it btw lol. Since this is where Melkor defeats Fingolfin, I figured it was fitting, as it shows his victory over a great leader (Hence, "Rise of Morgoth")
I request every side gets 250 points.(this can result in armies of 250 troops which may be considered large but when most of the things that are planned are added (ships, and siege weapons for everyone, and mumakil, fell beasts, etc for specifics) will add more strategic armies that will be smaller if the person whose hireing an army is wise.
This makes the game so the armies are large enough so its not like skirmishes and small enough so people dont crash.
men count as 1 (mounted =2)
elves count as 2 (mounted = 4) half trolls also count as 2 and mounted cost 5
Dwarves count as 1.5 (mounted = 3)
Special units (tower guard, ologs, trolls, black uruks, etc) count as 3
orcs count as 1 (mounted = 3)(spider or warg)
spiders and wargs without rider = 2.5
Uruks count as 3
Mumakil(when added) =15
Fell beasts(if a player has one tamed) =20
Ships (when added) equal 5
Siege weapons (when added) equal 5
banner bearers = 4
so lets see how i would hire an army when things are added
i would hire 40 umbarians and 30 archers (70 points), 4 mumakil (60 points) 4 siege weapons (20 points) and 10 banner bearers (20 points) 20 black numenoreans(60 points) and 4 ships
70+60+20+20+60+20=250 points with only 100 units and rest are ships, siege weapons and mumakil. perfectily balanced
now i would hire 30 banner bearers (120 points) 40 near harad calv(80) and 25 near harad horse archers. still only 95 units.... so yeah